Tip for new users

Ideas for improvements and requests for new features in XnView MP

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Tip for new users

Post by ruhrgebiet »

Hi there,
since I am a completely new user who wants to get a better system into my photos except the typical folder-structure I downloaded XnView and am total happy with it. Still need to figure many things out, but I could already solve two problems which I really struggeled with. As a new user it was not so easy to find the tickboxes:
- to use categories in XMP-data inside the image file
- to find the tickbox to enable writing categories on files on external hardware.

For me one reason to try XnView was exactly the use of categories/tagging/rating and I was quite frustrated because it did not work a lot. I was sure there is a way so I kept on googling but my suggestion is to either show a hint at the first use(s) or to change the preselection. I assume that there are quite many people who could benefit a lot from the programm but when I think about they are confronting with the problem (and they are not interested in dealing and setting of software - just to use it) it will pretty sure be frustrating and it is not so user-friendly for first-time users.
I would be very happy if these things could be considered. For me one of the most important part (either if I am using a software or if I suggest it to a friend) is to see progress and an advantage - right now there was unfortunately much frustration.
And if you have dived into the software you can adjust so many things! I am so happy and will spend much more time into it.
Thanks! :)
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Re: Tip for new users

Post by michel038 »

I tried to help managing keywords, categories, metadata ... here : viewtopic.php?p=179720#p179720

Maybe i forgot something obvious, or anything else ; If you think this document could be improved, I can modify it.

It's located in XnViewMp > MP General support > XnView MP for Beginners - Guides and Tutorials > ...