Conditional EXIF Thumbnail Rebuild

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Joined: Wed Sep 13, 2023 9:37 am

Conditional EXIF Thumbnail Rebuild

Post by meteorquake »


Currently there is "Metadata - Exif Thumbnail - ... Rebuild"

I presume this rebuilds it whatever is currently there.

Can I suggest a second similar menu item immediately below it that rebuilds the thumbnail only if it is absent or if the thumbnail size is anomalous, such as under a certain size or 0 bytes?

The reason for this is that if you have millions of photos, you often may only want to build thumbnails for those lacking them rather than the entirety.

On a related front, in the browser you can display EXIF columns. This could have column(s) available to show thumbnail metadata. It may be these would be for bytes, width, height.

Many thanks,
