Windows11 (22H2), display resolution 3840x2160, win scaling 150%
Video thumbnails gallery
few main points:
- inconvenient to save galleries for multiple files
- no way to change text size in timecode
- difficult to read timecode when its color matches color of content
Layout / Size
- add Sheet/Thumbnail width selector (via combobox or radio button)
so its possible to set desired thumbnails size
- rework into free entry textbox
color=#808080](same as Settings>View>Info[/color]
- with out HTML tags
Code: Select all
Filename: {Filename} File size: {Size KB} KiB Resolution: {Width}x{Height} Duration: {Duration [H:M:S]} Video: {VideoCodec} (VideoCodecProfile), {VideoBitrate} Mb/s, {FPS}fps Audio: {AudioCodec} (AudioCodecProfile, {AudioBitrate} kb/s, {AudioSampleRate}Hz, {AudioChannels}channels ({AudioStreams})
- with HTML tags
Code: Select all
<style>.label {white-space:nowrap;color:rgb(90,90,90)} .value {word-wrap:break-word; white-space:pre-wrap} .accent {color:rgb(0,0,0)}</style><table table-layout=fixed width=100% height=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2><tr><td width=60 align=right class=label>Filename File size Resolution Duration Video Audio</td><td align=right class=label>: : : : : :</td><td class=value>{Filename} {Size KB} KiB {Width}x{Height} {Duration [H:M:S]} {VideoCodec} (VideoCodecProfile), {VideoBitrate} Mb/s, {FPS}fps {AudioCodec} (AudioCodecProfile, {AudioBitrate} kb/s, {AudioSampleRate}Hz, {AudioChannels}channels ({AudioStreams})</td></tr></table>
- with out HTML tags
- add video/audio tags
- codec, profile
- resolution
- subtitles, etc
- unify Spacing (Margin)
- apply same Spacing around Thumbnails and Information block
to make the overall look more uniform
- add Watermark
- improve text controls
- add Outline to make text visible on content of the same color
- add Position
- add Output folder and filename/format controls (like in Batch convert)
to improve batch video thumbnails creation
- PotPlayer
- VideoThumbnailsMaker
- XnViewMP