Brazilian Portuguese language translation

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Brazilian Portuguese language translation

Post by GuzMan »

I found some strings not translated to Brazilian Portuguese language in portable version 1.3.1. I can translate them, for that, just send the strings in French or English to my email.

Some strings and their respective translations:

Open all select = Abrir todos os selecionados

Edit comment... = Editar comentário...

Edit IPTC... = Editar IPTC...

Edit XMP... = Editar XMP...

Edit GPS data... = Editar dados de GPS...

Technical Support... = Suporte Técnico

Report a Bug = Relatar um Erro

Check for update... = Verificar por atualizações...

Join images... = Unir imagens...

Matadata transfer = Transferência de metadados

Transfer... = Tranferir...

Find similar files... = Localizar arquivos similares...

These are some examples. There are other untranslated strings.

The string "Não." is wrong, the correct translation is Nº :shock:
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Re: Brazilian Portuguese language translation

Post by xnview »

could you contact me by mail (contact @ xnview dot com)