XNView has the ability to be something really original

Ideas for improvements and requests for new features in XnView MP

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XNView has the ability to be something really original

Post by UrbanCoyote »

Just using this software again after extended leave. (I really can't use XNView without tag searching ala Picasa's tag searching anway...)

I just thought while using XnView's tabs that it would be an interesting idea to have mouse gestures like we do in Chrome and Firefox etc... It's fast enough to load images and I think it would be a very intuitive and fluid way to navigate through pictures instead of clicking next or an arrow key.

Right Click Drag Right for next image
Right Click Drag Left for previous image
Right Click Drag Down to close image
etc... all to be very customizable to the user's tastes of course.

If that could happen as well as a tag search that worked like Picasa, it would be the king if image/library viewers!
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Re: XNView has the ability to be something really original

Post by JohnFredC »

Yes, I support gestures in XNView. Some inertia style effects would be good also.

It looks like the future of Windows is the Metro interface. It has all sorts of inertia queues to aid in feedback for gestures (a little "bounce" at the beginning or end of a list, for instance).

I'm not saying that XnView should look like Metro (yet 8) ), but perhaps a future gestural interface in MP should behave like it, at least.
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Re: XNView has the ability to be something really original

Post by budz45 »

UrbanCoyote wrote: Right Click Drag Right for next image
Right Click Drag Left for previous image
Right Click Drag Down to close image
etc... all to be very customizable to the user's tastes of course.
JohnFredC wrote:Yes, I support gestures in XNView. Some inertia style effects would be good also.

......for gestures (a little "bounce" at the beginning or end of a list, for instance).
..Well done on these good ideas for the future of XnView MP. I like the sound of a 'bounce' effect at the end of each View mode file list(Android 4.0 ICS style). I further believe this would need some thorough beta testing first (experimental) across all OS platforms. Otherwise yes I support the idea too +1 for a future XnView MP version :D

All 'Gesture' settings for view mode, slideshow & fullscreen could likely all go under a 'Gestures' tab:
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Re: XNView has the ability to be something really original

Post by UrbanCoyote »

^ Yes!

These gestures, I hope, would not be limited to just picture viewing either. It could also work on a folder view level.

Anyone who uses an internet browser with gestures will know what I mean by this.

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Re: XNView has the ability to be something really original

Post by xnview »

Ok, It seems that Qt can be used with Gesture, so now i must read the doc :)