Ability to Open files from the Clipboard and more

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Ability to Open files from the Clipboard and more

Post by budz45 »


I was just looking at JohnFredC's topic of:
Subject: Open images from text file list?

I recently have been collecting some full file path's to files (Copy to clipboard) which in otherwise I feel too lazy to browse for in Windows Explorer or XnView Browser. Sometimes my image files are in deep sub-folder directories.

Now VLC media player has a "Open from clipboard" feature near it's 'recent files' menu and this feature opens a small dialog window in which a user could manually input a clipboard path to a file and launch the file. In VLC's case it is suitable for users who input URL for streaming media etc - For XnView MP I think we could have a similar thing. :)

Rather than having a new menu item/command for this, I think it would be nice if the existing "Open file list..." could be enahnced to instead show a dialog much similar to the "File list..." dialog found in the same Browser.

Alongside this would include the text entry paste to open/paste multiple file links to open in the viewer

So by using the "File list..." dialog as a template, I have created this mock screenshot of what the new "Open file list..."could look like:
=Ability to manually paste links to files for them to open in the viewer
=Files could open in each view tab OR all open in single view tab as a file-list
=There could be Drag & drop support for .lst and .txt - drag & drop to anywhere on the dialog window
=The "Only image files" tickbox (above screenshot) would work to filter out non Image file-extensions pasted or in text file list :)
=Only a maximum of file list items can be pasted because of view tab constraints e.g. max items could be '99'
=The "Use other dialog display" upon being selected would immediately swicth between this display and the standard 'Open' dialog of Windows
=So this "Open file list..." dialog should be eligible to be in the View mode too (except without the open .txt/.lst feature). See this post; http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.p ... 58#p100958
Any feedback on this would be welcome. :)
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