0.39 win-x86: Stop animation shortcut override

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0.39 win-x86: Stop animation shortcut override

Post by budz45 »

Hello there,

As mentioned by marsh in another topic: http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.p ... 241#p95624

the ESC key is supposed to be legacy XnView win behaviour to Stop the playback of an animated file. ok.

But when I go into XnView MP's 'Shortcuts' editor in the settings and then I assign my own Shortcut/Hotkey to the "Start/stop animation" command (the shortcut I personally use here is 'Ctrl+Space') then the behaviour of the ESC key still remains.

Could this small issue be fixed for the following things:
1.) So by default in the shortcuts editor 'ESC' is displayed as default command (displayed buy greyed out)
2.) When I change this command to any shortcut of my choice - after doing this the ESC get's fully overridden meaning so that ESC is not on this anymore.

thank you.
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Re: 0.39 win-x86: Stop animation shortcut override

Post by budz45 »

Hmm.. but ESC key also is a shortcut for closing a tab (viewer) too.

So what is the best solution?
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Re: 0.39 win-x86: Stop animation shortcut override

Post by xnview »

Yes, ESC is always used to stop animation, you can't override it