I have taken a screenshot of all or XnView 1.9x "Effects" found in it's window. (click on thumbnail)
Does anyone think that for XnView MP, the "Effects" should have it's own top menu in the viewer mode?
All code for each Effect would be the same, I'm discussing here about how it would be better laid out in MP
The "Effects" top menu would have all the menu items and sub-menu items beneath it, like how Paint.NET displays it:
------------------------------------ Perhaps, maybe a Toolbar mode too for all or some "Effects".....
beow quote is from an earlier version of this same topic;
In xnview win, as we all know, on the menu bar in Viewer there is Filter>'Effects' which is not yet available in MP.
I am saying that when it does get ported to MP, it would still be in the Filter>'Effects' or maybe even this time under Image>'Effects'
- but also a toolbar could appear at the same time, similar to the existing 'Spotlight' or 'crop' toolbars:
.....with also an option somewhere in MP to be able to disable showing of this toolbar
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Attached, below, are my mock-up images I created for what for an "Effects" toolbar might consist of:
...So here is a toolbar with drop-down menu button (to select effects)
The effects menu choices from this drop-down menu, multiple effects can be chosen to work with for in a stored 'chosen' list group (method of selection in the menu can be both via tickboxes Or a Hotkey+click method)
I'm not much a fan of the XnView 1.9x preview-effects method. It's ok, but I'm thinking not to use the same image as being edited but rather use a dummy/example image, so....
...I thought to create a mock-up of this 'Pop Up' preview that would display on hover after a small delay
(pop-up uses an "example preview" image and not the same image like before)
Here is a mock-up example of the 'Blur' effect in use on the toolbar with preset controls. Future features could also include shape selection
Chosen effects that a user can work with per session in temporary listed group..This saves users having to click on each effect to use from a long list if they only want to work with a set few