IPTC Caption field + encoding (2)

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IPTC Caption field + encoding (2)

Post by ueliash »

This is a follow-up of an old feedback,
http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.p ... ias#p80952

I have photo collections, with IPTC captions written on an XP machine with non-latin (iso8859-8) encoding.
When they are copied to a linux with locale utf-8, the caption is unreadable.
After this remark, the author was kind to add Tools --> Settings --> Metadata --> IPTC encoding tab
which permits to choose with which encoding the caption is written. This still leaves the problem
of reading the the captions of the already existing photo collection.

I would like to ask to have two tabs: "Write IPTC with encoding" (which already exists) and
"Read IPTC with encoding" (which I really miss).

U. Elias