Support for Files in 'Favourites' plus more Fave fixes

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Support for Files in 'Favourites' plus more Fave fixes

Post by budz45 »

hi again,

It is great that we can add favourites from the folder pane, this is nice but I desire more.....

In the next beta of XnMP it would be nice if it could be now possible to add individual files, of any open folder in the Browser, to the 'Favourites'.

Often it's not a whole folder but a particular selected image that I wish to bookmark for quick access. I would just love to right-click any file in the Browser folder and 'Add to Favourite' the file item (i'd use it all the time on images :mrgreen: ).

Currently it's not possible to do this in a Browser folder;

I propose all of this.....

+Support for right-clicking on a file and 'add to favourites'

+Support for for 'add to favourites' via the top menu's ('Edit' or 'File' whichever)

+An ability to 'clear all' favourites - with a prompt 'yes/no' window before they're all deleted.

+An ability to 'clear all' no longer existing favourites (no onger existing in the file/folder path).

+Support for mouse-drag highlighting in the 'Favourites' window to be able to delete a selected amount of Favourites. For 'mouse-drag highlighting' I mean this;-

+When any file is added to the 'favourites' it would display simply like this:

+For file's no longer present in the folder location, it should display something like this:
(I used existing xnview 'delete' icon plus easy red italic text to show the file as removed in the 'favourites')

I also think in the 'Bookmarks.ini' you could distinguish folder and file bookmarks (Favourites) from each other by laying it out like this:

Code: Select all

"My Pictures"*"C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/My Pictures/"
"Administrator"*"C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/"

"Scan- 100309-0001.jpg"*"C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/Scan- 100309-0001.jpg"
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Re: Support for Files in 'Favourites' plus more Fave fixes

Post by budz45 »

Two more 'Favourites' enhancements:

-Support for drag n drop (Windows) onto the 'Favourites' window

-Support for 'Highlighting' - that is changing the folder icon colour displayed in the favourites (similar to 'Categories' window); this feature would just be for the 'Favourites' window within XnMP only and shouldn't affect the actual folder directory's folder icon.

-Some basic right-click actions for the 'Favourties' window; even to be greyed when the 'Favourties' window is empty.
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