Suggestion - Add a customized thumbnails size option setting

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Suggestion - Add a customized thumbnails size option setting

Post by oops66 »

Suggestion - Add a customized thumbnails size option setting (with width & height values) like into V1.9x
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Re: Suggestion - Add a customized thumbnails size option setting

Post by Dreamer »

Good idea, perhaps even multiple customized thumbnail size and add a button with drop-down menu with these custom values next to thumbnail size slider in mini-toolbar.

This way might be even better than slider.

Another suggestion - pre-defined size options:

- small 1:1 (160x160)
- small 4:3 (160x120)
- small 3:2 (180x120)
- small 16:9 (160x90, for HD videos)
- medium 1:1, 4:3, 3:2, 16:9
- large 1:1, 4:3, 3:2, 16:9

It would be also nice to be able to assign a keyboard shortcut for them, like F9 to change view - F10 to change thumbnail size.

Perhaps it's too much, so perhaps at least mini-toolbar button (next to the size slider) to change aspect ratio of thumbnails (between 1:1, 4:3, 3:2, 16:9).
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Re: Suggestion - Add a customized thumbnails size option setting

Post by JohnFredC »

I like this idea, but would prefer a way to specify integral number of thumbs across the thumb panel.

So instead of an explicit thumbs size, perhaps something like the following example:

Thumbs across: 5

...where XnView would fit exactly 5 thumbs (for instance) across the thumb panel by resizing the thumbnail cartouches so that there is no wasted space (as there is currently)...

What do you think?
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Re: Suggestion - Add a customized thumbnails size option setting

Post by oops66 »

JohnFredC wrote:I like this idea, but would prefer a way to specify integral number of thumbs across the thumb panel.
So instead of an explicit thumbs size, perhaps something like the following example:
Thumbs across: 5
...where XnView would fit exactly 5 thumbs (for instance) across the thumb panel by resizing the thumbnail cartouches so that there is no wasted space (as there is currently)...
What do you think?
Why not too, I agree, but for me the goal of a customized thumbnails size option setting (with width & height values) is also to choose an other custom ratio 1.7, 1.75, 4:3, 3:2, 16:9, ... like Dreamer said. And also to have a standard value size setting to improve the Xnview thumbnails data cache (to not have to rebuild each time the thumbnails cache if the size is always different).
I like your idea here too: ... 109#p77109
And also like the Dreamer suggestion above.

Even if it's already possible into the xnview.ini file :

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Re: Suggestion - Add a customized thumbnails size option setting

Post by Dreamer »

More ideas... (perhaps too many :) )

Change thumbnail size with the slider in steps - change the size only if the number of thumbnails in a row changes, for example if the number if thumbs is 5, move slider a bit and the thumb size will be changed from 250x250 to 200x200 to fit exactly 4 thumbs in width. This would make sense only if the browser window width is always the same (my case).

Use the slider to change between custom/favorite thumb sizes - show the size next to the slider, like this:

[---U----------] 160x160
[---------U----] 320x240

Or/and AR button (next to the slider)

[ 4:3 \/ ] (drop down menu style)
[ 4:3 >> ] (single click button to toggle between all ARs)
[ 4:3 | \/ ] (combined style, same as "View as" button, left side to toggle, right to open drop-down menu)

AR option would be useful for example for Windows wallpapers for wide monitors (16:10 AR) or videos - most of todays cameras are able record (HD) wide videos with 16:9 AR. Therefore I suggest at least these default ARs: 1:1, 4:3, 3:2, 16:9, 16:10.

The problem with AR option is which size will be used, sometimes it's not possible to use exact number, therefore custom sizes should have few pre-defined sizes and all (also customized/favorite sizes) should have its AR - it should be shown next to it automatically. Then AR option should switch only between existing ARs in custom sizes.

Create few favorite (and default/pre-defined) sizes and create thumbnails for all these sizes, first actual size then the others.

Last but not least - if large thumbnails will be created perhaps they might be used also for small thumbs without quality loss, for example - create thumbs 320x240, then another custom/pre-defined thumb size would be 160x120 - in this case large thumbs might be used also for small thumbs. I'm not sure if it would be possible and if it would be fast enough.

I know, too many ideas, too complex, perhaps Pierre will choose the best, but current slider is not perfect, thumbnails are re-created all the time and the nice in/ex-cluded option and the new cache (I want to use from now on) is quite useless.

Edit: Another solution for that problem:

Option to set one default thumb size which will be used at XnView start even if it will be changed by slider any time.
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Re: Suggestion - Add a customized thumbnails size option setting

Post by JohnFredC »

Not "too many ideas"... Let's have more! MP is still a baby and can learn new tricks!

Here's an idea:

HTML definitions for the thumbnails, using percentages for relative size and placement of the individual thumbnail components (thumb, active buttons, labels, borders, etc.)
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Re: Suggestion - Add a customized thumbnails size option setting

Post by nerbrume »

Change thumbnail size with the slider in steps - change the size only if the number of thumbnails in a row changes, for example if the number if thumbs is 5, move slider a bit and the thumb size will be changed from 250x250 to 200x200 to fit exactly 4 thumbs in width. This would make sense only if the browser window width is always the same (my case).

Use the slider to change between custom/favorite thumb sizes - show the size next to the slider, like this:

[---U----------] 160x160
[---------U----] 320x240
Seconded, with a trick suggested :
Keep the slider "free", but add 2 buttons on his sides, to switch exactly the number of thumbs in a row. For example, you slide freely, getting this :

[<][---U----------][>] 137x137 (arbitrary size)

Then click on the [>] arrow, it takes you to the next "fixed" size, and you get this :

[<][-----U--------][>] 160x160

What do you think ?
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Re: Suggestion - Add a customized thumbnails size option setting

Post by JohnFredC »

What do you think ?
I like this idea...
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One slider to rule them all

Post by marsh »

oops66 wrote:Suggestion - Add a customized thumbnails size option setting (with width & height values) like into V1.9x
A slider which switched between horiz, vert, or both (latched) would give control of aspect ratio and finer ability to fit within window. H,V, or B in context menu over it.
Dreamer wrote: Another suggestion - pre-defined size options:

- small 1:1 (160x160)
- small 4:3 (160x120)
- small 3:2 (180x120)
- small 16:9 (160x90, for HD videos)
- medium 1:1, 4:3, 3:2, 16:9
- large 1:1, 4:3, 3:2, 16:9
Different AR examples are important, but I think this list could be improved and shortened with the following:
Last used dimensions #1
Last used dimensions #2
Last used dimensions #3
A history here would also provide some visual feedback about whatever was fed to it from slider. And could serve as a profile.
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Re: Suggestion - Add a customized thumbnails size option setting

Post by Dreamer »

I have already suggested favorite size options - advantages:

- list would be shorter
- any number of size options could be used
- size options would be fully customizable
- no problems with ARs
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Re: Suggestion - Add a customized thumbnails size option setting

Post by marsh »

I missed it. Though a history would be more limited than "favorites" (if you have the bookmarks feature in mind). No extra buttons or knobs, just automatically add to the existing examples menu.
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Re: Suggestion - Add a customized thumbnails size option setting

Post by Dreamer »

Hmm.. History must be created from 'something' too, you have to change the size in options, so why not add favorites instead? Another advantage of the favorites:

- same order / place for all sizes
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Re: Suggestion - Add a customized thumbnails size option setting

Post by marsh »

Dreamer wrote:Hmm.. History must be created from 'something' too, you have to change the size in options, so why not add favorites instead? Another advantage of the favorites:

- same order / place for all sizes
My slider suggestion tries to avoid using options section. I like looking at fewer items on screen, so a history follows that style. I guess both methods could coexist though.
Slot 1: Last used
Slot 2: Last used
After marking a dimension to remember:
Slot 1: Favourite
Slot 2: Last used
Slot 3: Last used
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Re: Suggestion - Add a customized thumbnails size option setting

Post by Dreamer »

marsh wrote:My slider suggestion tries to avoid using options section.
Hmm.. but you have to open Options dialog to change thumb size - or - if you'd use only the slider, then you couldn't change aspect ratio. :?
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Re: Suggestion - Add a customized thumbnails size option setting

Post by marsh »

Dreamer wrote:
marsh wrote:My slider suggestion tries to avoid using options section.
Hmm.. but you have to open Options dialog to change thumb size - or - if you'd use only the slider, then you couldn't change aspect ratio. :?
The imagined slider would have 3 modes: with horizontal or vertical only, the aspect changes visually. No numbers to type in. By default, it would act as it does now except that it follows whatever proportion is being used at the time. Why type in numbers at all?
If the current examples menu were enhanced, There could be some exact numbers there.