Code: Select all
nconvert.exe -quiet -out ps -o \\computer\spool c:\Temp\faximage.tif
I have also tried this by printing to a local printer but with the same result.
Trying to convert and print using pcl format instead also gives the same result.
If I convert the image into a postscript file, I can open the file in GSView and it looks good there.
I then tried to copy the postscript file produced by nconvert to the printer:
Code: Select all
copy \\computer\spool
If I take another postscript file (produced from a pdf by pdftops.exe from xpdf) and copy it to the print spool it will print directly without waiting for more data.
This leads me to believe that this must have something to do with the postscript format produced nconvert . Is it possible to somehow alter the postscript written by nconvert (ie, level 1,2 or 3)?