How make auto trim?

Discussions on NConvert - the command line tool for image conversion and manipulation

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How make auto trim?

Post by mic »

Hi ! nconvert is best!
And how i make crop borders of any image? White, black... without exact color. Its possible?
And else, what is
-autocrop tol r g b
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Re: How make auto trim?

Post by xnview »

mic wrote:Hi ! nconvert is best!
And how i make crop borders of any image? White, black... without exact color. Its possible?
And else, what is
-autocrop tol r g b
-autocrop is for that

Re: How make auto trim?

Post by mic »

xnview wrote:-autocrop is for that
I dont know what is the "tol" and "r g b" its border color?
Can you show example please.
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Re: How make auto trim?

Post by xnview »

mic wrote:
xnview wrote:-autocrop is for that
I dont know what is the "tol" and "r g b" its border color?
Can you show example please.
tol is the tolerance value, and rgb is the color to trim (border)