Using Nconvert from .bat file?

Discussions on NConvert - the command line tool for image conversion and manipulation

Moderators: XnTriq, helmut, xnview


Using Nconvert from .bat file?

Post by Guest »


I'm trying to run a .bat file from a webpage. In my .bat file i have the following line:

nconvert -out gif -colors 256 -o d:\wwwroot\gif\ "d:\wwwroot\tiff\test1.tif"

what i'm trying to do is convert the test1.tif to a .gif file but i'm getting this error:

Error: Can't create file (D:\Udvikling\Conset\Gif\test1.tif)

What am I doing wrong ?


I found the solution :o)

Post by Guest »


By changing the line to :

nconvert -o d:\wwwroot\gif\test1.gif -out gif -colors 256 d:\wwwroot\tiff\test1.tif

Every thing just works fine :o
