This is multipage TIFF with two pages. 1st is 16bit image, 2nd is 8 bit image.
Code: Select all
./nconvert -org_depth -out tiff -c 4 -page 1 myfile.tiff
Code: Select all
./nconvert -org_depth -out tiff -c 4 -page 2 myfile.tiff
It's quiet strange behavior of -page key and -org_depth key
Linux Mint 21.3
BTW, I downloaded 64bit app for Linux, but it shows x86?
Code: Select all
* NCONVERT v7.155 (c) 1991-2023 Pierre-E Gougelet (Sep 8 2023/13:54:44) **
Version for Linux x86 (X11) (All rights reserved)