On my Windows 10 system I work with Nconvert version 7.136 to convert images to *.jpg images.
Using filenames with unicode-characters I have seen the following problems for the following command:
Code: Select all
nconvert.exe -half_res -ignore_errors -thumb 1920 1920 -overwrite -out jpeg -o OUTPUTFILENAME-without-extension SOURCEFILE
OUTPUTFILENAME-without-extension == images三山_1828_2_prvws - (all values seen inside debug)
with: 三山 == chinese characters 三山
the result is: Can't open file (F:\\Work_Eixm\\EIXMTEST\\images\011\116\161\134.psd)
OUTPUTFILENAME-without-extension == images\011\116\161\134_1828_1_prvws
with \011\116\161\134 == chinese characters 三山
the result is: Can't create file (C:\\Users\\herbert\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\images??_1828_1_prvws.jpg)
Case (2) shows that Nconvert supports unicode filenames, because it could open the source-file.
My question now is: How to send unicode-characters to Nconvert?
Best regards