Adding Japanese text - テキストの追加

Discussions on NConvert - the command line tool for image conversion and manipulation

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Keiji Asakura
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Jan 27, 2021 10:39 am

Adding Japanese text - テキストの追加

Post by Keiji Asakura »

I want to display Japanese text in the upper left of the image using the text option of nconvert.

However, the characters are garbled, is nconvert not compatible with Japanese? The Japanese alphabet is displayed normally.

nconvert.exe -npcd 2 -overwrite -size 256x256+0 -ctype rgb -corder inter -out jpeg -o C:\BUPAN_PG\img_yahoo\%.jpg -text_font "HGP創英角ゴシックUB" 60 -text_color 255 0 0 -text_back 0 0 0 -text_flag top-left -text_pos 0 0 -text_rotation 0 -text "限定" -ratio -rtype lanczos -resize 500 500 -canvas 500 500 center -bgcolor 255 255 255 C:\BUPAN_PG\img_work\*.jpg
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Re: Adding Japanese text - テキストの追加

Post by xnview »

Currently i have problem with non ansi character