The script, saved as a batch file .bat, for each folder of source images named 'TIFF' in the folder 'Images' creates three versions of the images in that folder, HiRes, MidRes and Thumbs, each version placed in a sub-folder with the relevant name, in the folder.
Code: Select all
FOR /D %%Y IN ("C:\X\Images\*") DO (
MD "%%Y\HiRes"
nconvert -out jpeg -q 100 -o "%%Y\HiRes\%%.jpg" "%%Y\TIFF\*.tif*"
MD "%%Y\MidRes"
nconvert -dpi 150 -ratio -rtype lanczos -resize 50%% 50%% -out jpeg -q 100 -o "%%Y\MidRes\%%.jpg" "%%Y\HiRes\*.jpg"
MD "%%Y\Thumbs"
nconvert -dpi 72 -ratio -rtype lanczos -resize longest 280 -out jpeg -q 100 -o "%%Y\Thumbs\%%.jpg" "%%Y\MidRes\*.jpg"
The detailed processing to create the required new images was specified by the original poster, the batch file structure manages the overall process.
The original poster specified that each successive version be produced from the previous version; successive versions could alternatively have been produced directly from the original source TIFF images.