I am trying to add a variable to the output name so that my program can change as needed
The following works (hard coded -o value):
Code: Select all
system('C:\"Program Files (x86)"\XnView\nconvert -npcd 2 -size 256x256+0 -ctype rgb -corder inter -out jpeg -o C:\watermark\folderx\%%.jpg -wmfile "C:\Users\john\Downloads\TDL_Placeholder.jpg" -wmflag center -wmpos 10 10 "C:\tempdir\sat\game1\DSC_7303.JPG"')
Error: Can't create file (C:\watermark\C:\tempdir\sat\game1\gamefolder\DSC_7303DSC_7303.jpg)
Code: Select all
system('C:\"Program Files (x86)"\XnView\nconvert -npcd 2 -size 256x256+0 -ctype rgb -corder inter -out jpeg -o C:\watermark\$gamefolder\%%.jpg -wmfile "C:\Users\john\Downloads\TDL_Placeholder.jpg" -wmflag center -wmpos 10 10 "C:\tempdir\sat\game1\DSC_7303.JPG"')