from pdf to jpg

Discussions on NConvert - the command line tool for image conversion and manipulation

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from pdf to jpg

Post by oscarrd »


I have been using Xconvert for long time, now I want to use Nconvert, I tried to use export option to export for NConvert but it just create .bat file with "nconvert" word with not parameters or settings.

I have a folder with several .pdf files some are multipages files other not, I want to convert then to individual multipages .jpg file if that the case
I read somes examples on the forum but still have no figure it out.

I will appreciate your help on this matter

OS Win 10
XnConvert Version 1.75 - windows x64 (Sep 5 2017) - Libformat version 7.10
GS 9.22 64bit

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Re: from pdf to jpg

Post by cday »

oscarrd wrote:I have a folder with several .pdf files some are multipages files other not, I want to convert then to individual multipages .jpg file if that the case.

OS Win 10
XnConvert Version 1.75 - windows x64 (Sep 5 2017) - Libformat version 7.10
GS 9.22 64bit
You wish to use the command line program NConvert with a batch file .bat to convert your PDF files?

That shouldn't be difficult, but is complicated by the fact that I am away from home and using my laptop without being able to access my computer at home, but I may be able to help.

If you are new to using the command line, you should understand that it is very unforgiving of errors, so often some patience and ultimately considerable trial and error my be required!

From memory, without access to my home computer, I think that the following code *may* do what you want:

Code: Select all

nconvert  -xall -dpi 300 -out jpeg -q 70 -o "Output\%%.jpg" "Input\*.pdf"
I would suggest the following:

1. Create a new folder;

2. Place a copy of nconvert.exe 64-bit [if you have GS 64-bit installed] in the folder.
[That is to ensure that NConvert is found when the code is run.]

3. In the folder you created, create new folders Input and Output.
[That is to simplify operation and avoid any risk of overwriting the files you wish to convert.]

4. Save the above code as a text file with a .bat extension and place that file in the folder containing NConvert.

5. Put *copies* of the PDFs you wish to convert into the Input folder.

6. Run the batch file [double-click on it, for example.]

See if the code runs, and with some luck you should find the required JPEGs in the Output folder.

No guarantees, as it is difficult from memory and, as I said, the command line is in any case unforgiving of errors.

Note: The above code will open PDFs with DPI = 300 and save the images as JPEGs with Q = 70 ; those parameters can of course be varied.


1. Extension of input files corrected to *.pdf [from *.jpg]

2. Double quotes " " added around input and output paths to enable filenames with spaces to be processed.

3. Tested with difficulty switching repeatedly between Linux and my [deliberately offline and almost unused] copy of Windows 10 :x .