AurelSea63 wrote:I need to do this :
I have :
Folder_1 = 1.tiff, 2.tiff, 3.tiff
Folder_2 = 1.tiff, 2.tiff, 3.tiff
I want :
Folder_1 = 1.tiff multipage who include (1.tiff, 2.tiff, 3.tiff)
Folder_2 = 1.tiff multipage who include (1.tiff, 2.tiff, 3.tiff)
I want to do mass conversion on multiple folders at the same time, is it possible ?
Using NConvert on Windows?
If your need were limited to a small number of folders, one solution would be to use the following example code run in a batch file
Code: Select all
nconvert -multi -out tiff -o $$/Multi.tif Folder_1/*.tif
nconvert -multi -out tiff -o $$/Multi.tif Folder_2/*.tif
Note that:
o I tested using the .tif extension rather than the equally valid as far as I know .tiff extension;
o The $$ notation saves entering the specific folder name, as a slight simplification.
o You will probably wish to insert a compression option after the
-out tiff term above, please consult the help file for that.
o If your output multi-TIFF file uses the same filename as one of the input files there will be a conflict: a solution would be to delete the input single-TIFF files as they are read by inserting
-D early in the code.
Always test using copies of your original files...
A more general solution probably requires a FOR loop I think: very few more experienced members post on NConvert topics, but I may have a look myself as I may have a generally similar need coming up.