This is the script XnConvert gave me to use for NConver.
Code: Select all
nconvert -text_font ADAM.CG PRO 111 -text_color 111 255 255 -text_back 255 0 0 -text_flag center -text_pos 0 0 -text_rotation 0 -text "nameOfPlayerYoutubeEdited" -text_font ADAM.CG PRO 44 -text_color 44 255 0 -text_back 0 0 0 -text_flag bottom-center -text_pos 0 -127 -text_rotation 0 -text "KDAOfPlayer" -text_font ADAM.CG PRO 52 -text_color 52 249 249 -text_back 249 0 0 -text_flag bottom-center -text_pos 0 -10 -text_rotation 0 -text "League Of Legends" -wmopacity 100 -wmfile "D:\Dropbox\Projects\Bot\Record Games\Lolking\replays\test\400x400.png" -wmflag top-left -wmopacity 100 -wmfile "D:\Dropbox\Projects\Bot\Record Games\Lolking\replays\test\challenger_1.png" -wmflag top-left
Code: Select all
** NCONVERT v6.93 (c) 1991-2016 Pierre-E Gougelet (Oct 11 2016/20:19:33) **
Version for Windows Xp/Vista/7 x64 (All rights reserved)
** This is freeware software (for non-commercial use)
Error: Can't open file (111)
Error: Can't open file (-text_color)
Error: Can't open file (111)
Error: Can't open file (255)
Error: Can't open file (255)
Error: Can't open file (-text_back)
Error: Can't open file (255)
Error: Can't open file (0)
Error: Can't open file (0)
Error: Can't open file (-text_flag)
Error: Can't open file (center)
Error: Can't open file (-text_pos)
Error: Can't open file (0)
Error: Can't open file (0)
Error: Can't open file (-text_rotation)
Error: Can't open file (0)
Error: Can't open file (-text)
Error: Can't open file (nameOfPlayerYoutubeEdited)
Error: Can't open file (-text_font)
Error: Can't open file (ADAM.CG)
Error: Can't open file (PRO)
Error: Can't open file (44)
Error: Can't open file (-text_color)
Error: Can't open file (44)
Error: Can't open file (255)
Error: Can't open file (0)
Error: Can't open file (-text_back)
Error: Can't open file (0)
Error: Can't open file (0)
Error: Can't open file (0)
Error: Can't open file (-text_flag)
Error: Can't open file (bottom-center)
Error: Can't open file (-text_pos)
Error: Can't open file (0)
Error: Can't open file (-127)
Error: Can't open file (-text_rotation)
Error: Can't open file (0)
Error: Can't open file (-text)
Error: Can't open file (KDAOfPlayer)
Error: Can't open file (-text_font)
Error: Can't open file (ADAM.CG)
Error: Can't open file (PRO)
Error: Can't open file (52)
Error: Can't open file (-text_color)
Error: Can't open file (52)
Error: Can't open file (249)
Error: Can't open file (249)
Error: Can't open file (-text_back)
Error: Can't open file (249)
Error: Can't open file (0)
Error: Can't open file (0)
Error: Can't open file (-text_flag)
Error: Can't open file (bottom-center)
Error: Can't open file (-text_pos)
Error: Can't open file (0)
Error: Can't open file (-10)
Error: Can't open file (-text_rotation)
Error: Can't open file (0)
Error: Can't open file (-text)
Error: Can't open file (League Of Legends)
Error: Can't open file (-wmopacity)
Error: Can't open file (100)
Error: Can't open file (-wmfile)
Conversion of D:\Dropbox\Projects\Bot\Record Games\Lolking\replays\test\400x400.png into D:\Dropbox\Projects\Bot\Record Games\Lolking\replays\test\400x400_1.png OK
Error: Can't open file (-wmflag)
Error: Can't open file (top-left)
Error: Can't open file (-wmopacity)
Error: Can't open file (100)
Error: Can't open file (-wmfile)
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Conversion of D:\Dropbox\Projects\Bot\Record Games\Lolking\replays\test\challenger_1.png into D:\Dropbox\Projects\Bot\Record Games\Lolking\replays\test\challenger_1_1.png OK
Error: Can't open file (-wmflag)
Error: Can't open file (top-left)
I'm new to this I know it might be a input error since it says can't open file as if it thinks thats the file to input but I don't know how to fix it.