Autocrop only with RGB?

Discussions on NConvert - the command line tool for image conversion and manipulation

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Autocrop only with RGB?

Post by XnRoot »


i want to use the Autocrop Option in NConvert to crop the with borders from some images. In XnView i can use the color from the Pixel in one of the four Corners (left-top, right-top, ...). In NConvert i can only set up the tolerance and the RGB. But the Colors are not the same in the images. Autcrop works very good in XnView, but nit with NConvert when i use RGB = 0 0 0 or something like this. Tolerance is 200.
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Re: Autocrop only with RGB?

Post by cday »

XnRoot wrote:I want to use the Autocrop Option in NConvert to crop the with borders from some images. In XnView I can use the color from the pixel in one of the four corners (left-top, right-top, ...). In NConvert I can only set up the tolerance and the RGB. But the colors are not the same in the images. Autocrop works very good in XnView, but not with NConvert when I use RGB = 0 0 0 or something like this. Tolerance is 200.
In NConvert as you say it is only possible to select a RGB value and a tolerance value, if you haven't already done so I would suggest experimenting with a wide range of values for both: I've never fully understood exactly how the autocrop operation operates myself... :wink:

If you are cropping scans of text pages scanned in colour, you might consider converting them to grayscale first (if autocrop is available for grayscale images, I'm not sure without checking), which might simplify finding the optimum settings.