Erik_IG wrote:I am looking for an automated process to periodically let NConvert resize all my .jpg files on a server based on folders and subfolders.
Currently I got a script working but that one only allows resizing the files in the specific folder, I need it to include all subfolders as well.
Code: Select all
nconvert -overwrite -ratio -rtype lanczos -rflag decr -resize 1920 1200 *.*
Any idea what I need to include into this script to get it working on subfolders as well?
While the GUI XnView software (XnView Classic, XnViewMP and XnConvert) batch convert functions all have an option to keep the folder structure, there is no mention of a recursive option in the NConvert Help file, and the following posts seem to suggest that recursion isn't supported:
I'm no command line expert, but when the folder structure is fixed, could the desired result possibly be achieved by using wildcards in the file paths??
If you do try that please proceed with great caution, and it would be interesting to know the result...