recently I setup a new laptop and had to install nconvert again. This is a newer version as the one I have created my batch file with.
In the new Version the watermark is located at the top left even though if use the bottom-right wmflag.
Also the quiet option is not so quiet anymore...
The Command at the moment is like
Code: Select all
echo on
set workdir=%1
set batchdir=%~dp0
set nconvert="C:\Program Files\XnConvert\nconvert.exe"
rem "Generate L Thumbnails"
%nconvert% -quiet -overwrite -o $thumbs\phoca_thumb_l_%% -opthuff -dct 2 -subsampling 2 -keepfiledate -rexifthumb -ratio -rtype lanczos -rflag decr -resize longest 800 -wmfile %batchdir%watermark-large.png -wmflag bottom-right -wmopacity 100 %workdir%\*.JPG
How do I fix the wrong position of the watermark?
Even with quiet the batch outputs something like
Code: Select all
Marker : e1 13820
Marker : e1 2556
I wonder if I could access the old versions executable somewhere to download the old version instead of the current one? On the other hand its a good thing to improve the software.
Any help is appreciated.