Processing speed of NConvert is much slower than XNConvert

Discussions on NConvert - the command line tool for image conversion and manipulation

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Processing speed of NConvert is much slower than XNConvert

Post by PeterLeefdaal »


Actually I am testing NConvert to process a large collection of images.
7 actions are defined: Conbright, Resize, Gaussian Blur, Adjust, Sharpen, Change Color Depth, Crop.
Image is saved as TIFF Revision 6, CCITT G4.

Batch line looks like this: nconvert -conbright 15 -ratio -rtype lanczos -resize 70%% 70% -gauss 5 -brightness 23 -gamma 1.05 -sharpen 96 -binary nodither

Processing time with XNConvert on my Mac takes less than a second per image.
However, when testing the same actions on my server using NConvert (launched from .NET command line), this takes multiple seconds on a fast server.

What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Processing speed of NConvert is much slower than XNConve

Post by xnview »

x64 or x32 version for the 2 app? on same computer?