Is there a command line switch for NConvert?
such as here
also this question here
skip owerwrite if exist
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Re: skip owerwrite if exist
Hi. I'm also looking for this command.
I have a folder with many pictures, which I convert to a lower resolution and copy to my mobile. What I'd like to do is to only convert the files that have not been convertedf before.
An nconvert switch like xnconvert's "skip if destination already exists" would be great!
I have a folder with many pictures, which I convert to a lower resolution and copy to my mobile. What I'd like to do is to only convert the files that have not been convertedf before.
An nconvert switch like xnconvert's "skip if destination already exists" would be great!
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Re: skip owerwrite if exist
Hi Zurdo. On Windows you could use batch file similar to this.
Code: Select all
@echo off
for %%i in ("C:\Source Directory\*") do (
if not exist "F:\Destination Directory\%%~nxi" start /wait nconvert.exe -o "F:\Destination Directory\%%~nxi" -resize longest 199 "%%i"
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Re: skip owerwrite if exist
Excellent solution Mixer!!! Thanks a lot! Works great!
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Re: skip owerwrite if exist
You're welcome. It works only while your files have none of characters % # $ in their names.