I would like to write in log file the nconvert traitement. It-s possible to use the verbose option?
During the traitement the DOS shows:
Lossless transformation of C:\phpwebgallery\DirWorkingFTP\\test\XXX.jpg : NOT NEEDED
Lossless transformation of C:\phpwebgallery\DirWorkingFTP\\test\XYZ.jpg : NOT NEEDED
Lossless transformation of C:\phpwebgallery\DirWorkingFTP\\test\ZZZ.jpg : OK
Iwould like to write these information in a log file?
I try this command line:
Code: Select all
"E:\Program Files\Batch_Optimisateur\composants\nconvert.exe" -out jpeg -keepfiledate -jpegtrans exif -o C:\phpwebgallery\DirWorkingFTP\\test\%.jpg C:\phpwebgallery\DirWorkingFTP\\test\*.jpg >> "C:\phpwebgallery\DirWorkingFTP\txt.txt"
** NCONVERT v5.75 (c) 1991-2010 Pierre-E Gougelet (Sep 7 2010/11:24:20) **
Version for Windows NT/9x/2000/Xp/Vista/7 (All rights reserved)
** This is a freeware software (for non commercial use)