Avoiding truncated labels

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Avoiding truncated labels

Post by Clo »

<Moderator's note: This topic has been split from another topic>

:arrow: Pierre

:D Hello Pierre !

¤ You might set the widths of the controls writing the string in French prior !
- Then, you'ld be almost sure that any language might fit…

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Re: In French prior !

Post by helmut »

Clo wrote:¤ You might set the widths of the controls writing the string in French prior !
- Then, you'ld be almost sure that any language might fit…
Good idea and easier for Pierre. Are many French labels truncated in 1.80?


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Nice bunch

Post by Clo »

¤ Yes, a pretty bunch, but since I fix them by myself for my own use…
… I didn't list them precisely…
¤ For information : many need to move items in order to get a sufficient room, i.e. some colour-choice buttons, type-fields or items like this…

- A single template for the dialogues with text files might be set later from the longuest strings, and French ones are among the longest, with some rare exceptions - with regard to English, of course-.

:mrgreen: G
Last edited by Clo on Tue Dec 13, 2005 11:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nice bunch

Post by helmut »

Clo wrote:¤ Yes, a pretty bunch, but like I fix them by myself for my own use…
… I didn't list them precisely…
Would be good if you would let Pierre know (I guess you already have).
Clo wrote:¤ For information : many need to move items in order to get a sufficient room, i.e. some colour-choice buttons, type-fields or items like this…
Those labels which need controls to move are harder to fix, but Pierre or I can find a way to get things fully on the forms.
Clo wrote:- A single template for the dialogues with text files might be set later from the longuest strings, and French ones are among the longest, with some rare exceptions - with regard to English, of course-.
To find about the longest string you would have to consider the pixel width of every character. Let's check for French and German manually and I think most is covered.
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Post by ouistiti »

Going further in the Clo's idea above, we could say that a future system should lead to write the original dialogue-strings in French as the default, and then an English set of language files might be provided always compulsorily, even with the test-versions and of course the minimal zipped-packs of the releases…
I know a few programmes originally written in French : no problem for the translations about the control-widths… using text-files with decimal IDs, indeed !


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Post by Clo »

The labels which need controls to move are harder to fix, but Pierre or I can find a way to get things fully on the forms.
¤ With programmes written in C - C+ and around, the sizes of the boxes and of all items they contain are related to the font-face and the font-size stated in the scripts… Though this might be a good feature, in the case this is an annoyance :

- First, the internal font MS Sans Serif is a real dung to write in languages else than English, and prevents to apply some tricks -even in English- in order to shorten strings, or to avoid useless escape-sequences like I wrote elsewhere.
- Setting another font, let's say a narrower one doesn't help currently, since all items are auto-adjusted to that font; hence, the ratio of the items stays the same…
- Whether one could change the font while the auto-adjustment is locked¦disabled (it's like this with Delphi) could help !
¤ For example : In Total Commander (using text files), I set Zurich CN BT - a narrow (complete) font as "8", "normal", while the dialogues are designed for Microsoft Sans Serif "8", "normal" now; that helps! At many locations, strings that didn't fit with the default font are no longer truncated. So, the author is not bound to fix a lot of things in the codes continually…
- Just to illustrate that I mean about font-widths, a screen shot below where the upper part comes from <tip.ini> and uses the hard-coded font of the EXE (NOT the DLL-one) and the lower one has been written with the narrow font quoted above.
- In blue, the same part of text in English :

—————— Image
- Indeed, an option to change the internal font in the programme (English default) and in the actual language DLLs seems probably impossible to get easily… plus locking the boxes¦items auto-sizing…

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Re: Avoiding truncated labels

Post by xnview »

Clo wrote:¤ You might set the widths of the controls writing the string in French prior !
- Then, you'ld be almost sure that any language might fit…
No i like english, but could you tell me which are truncated?
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Re: Avoiding truncated labels

Post by helmut »

xnview wrote:
Clo wrote:¤ You might set the widths of the controls writing the string in French prior !
- Then, you'ld be almost sure that any language might fit…
No i like english, but could you tell me which are truncated?
It's very important that basic versions (alphas, ...) are in English, not in French.
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Post by Clo »

:) Hello Pierre !
No I like english…
[J] Are you sure that the opposite be true? [/J]

- You misunderstood me : I don't request you write the original in French (this is the Paul's proposal), but simply that you test the lenght of some controls when there is a limited room, just writing the label in French temporarily !

- This could avoid to get truncated strings in many places … in French and others.

- I'll list these issues in a next beta¦RC, as soon as we will have the language-feature available; like I said, currently all is fixed for me @ home, so I can't for the current normal version…

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