"Attach images..." should be "Create Panorama

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Post by ouistiti »

Hello Clo,
Your last idea is very explicit and gives an exact reflect of what it does !
I fully support your "Create a comic strip-like"...
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Post by Drahken »

Many programs have the ability to stitch images together side-by-side, most such progs call it a panorama. While these may not be panoramas in the technical sense, such images are almost invariably intended to be a continuous image (not broken up like a comic strip), and according to dictionary.com (those of you not quite familiar with english may want to try using it to clear up confusion. It helps us native english speakers sometimes too):
PANORAMA- 2: a picture (or series of pictures) representing a continuous scene
A panorama doesn't have to be 180 or 360 degrees, merely a long image. There was a fad a while back with cameras that took "panoramic" pictures. These images were NOT 180 or 360 degrees, they were merely twice as wide as a normal photo.
In short, there's nothing wrong with the word panorama in this case.

Another possible word would be stitching. Words like merge and join imply putting images on top of each other layer-like, but stitching implies end-to-end or top-to-bottom.
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Post by helmut »

I can see quite a number of proposals but not a real solution, yet.

Before continuing the discussion, two samples to make clear what the function actually does.

Some images joint horizontally:


Some images joint vertically:


In the next release (1.81), the menu "Create" will be introduced, see topic "New main menu "Create"". So "Attach images..." will no longer work and a new expression should be found.

As you can see above, we do not have panorama images, here, but several images merged to one image. Creating a panorama image using this function is actually impossible, since it does not allow for overlapping images.

Some possible wordings derived from the suggestions in the previous posts:

Create > Attached images
Create > Stripe of images
Create > Joint images (That one sounds really strange..)
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Post by xnview »

helmut wrote: Create > Attached images
Create > Stripe of images
So which is better?
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Post by TorstenT »


it is first now that I have read this thread. Well it seems the discussion is quite lively here...

I would like to introduce my opinion on this question, but first I would like to make clear that this function does NOT create a panorama.

The definitions I have found say that a panorama is a "a picture or photograph that has a wide view" (often of a landscape) and that such a panorama is often made by rotating the camera. This implies that in order to make a panorama out of single images, the edges of the single images are merged, and that they MUST overlap.

But if it is not a panorama, what else is it? I must admit, "attach images" is not 100% clear. Not even "attach to each other" is much better as this (to me) sounds like as if there are *two* ímages.

I would rather vote for the "join images": "bring together", "make connection between" is what the Encarta spits out - and this is what the function does. It joins the images without changing them.

Therefore my proposal for the menu item is "Join Images..."

Hope I could convince you... /T.
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Post by helmut »

TorstenT wrote:...
I would rather vote for the "join images": "bring together", "make connection between" is what the Encarta spits out - and this is what the function does. It joins the images without changing them.

Therefore my proposal for the menu item is "Join Images..."

Hope I could convince you... /T.
Thank you, Torsten, for your explanation and opinion. :-) Very soon, there will be a main menu "Create". "Attach images" (or whatever it is called) will become a menu item within the "Create" main menu. So what we actually need is a noun, not an action or command.

As written above, "Create > Joint images" sounds a bit funny to me, perhaps it doesn't to native speakers.
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Post by helmut »

For XnView 1.82 we have to make a decision:

Create > Attached images
Create > Stripe of images
Create > Joint images (sounds very strange to me)
Create > Comic strip-like image (suggested by Clo)

I'd vote for "Stripe of images", but I'm not a English native speaker so my vote counts little ;-)
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Post by Xyzzy »

I'd choose Stripe of images.


Post by Guest »

joint sounds smokey to me as a german speaker :) but must agree, that the verb is the mostly matching.

maybe Create shouldnt be seen as the beginning of a sentence, just as a process. so you could use it with "join images" also.
-> join images vertically/horizontally. easiest to understand. thats the most important.

merge or combination wouldn´t be as nice and panorama is out of question because there is no vertical panorama afaik.
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Post by JohnFredC »

Sorry to be so late to this discussion but, as a native English speaker, "stripe" of images really would make no sense to the average user and "attach images" has come to be customarily associated with files and emails.

A "stripe" (noun) implies a context, such as a racing stripe on a car, a swath of color across a blouse, or the pattern on jail-bird clothing (ie, "stripes").

To "stripe" (verb) means to divide an area into smaller parallel areas, usually with paint.

"Strip" (noun) is a little better. In the past, a "film-strip" has been a common construct in English because:

1) elementary schools in the US used to show presentations to students via film-strips and projectors.

2) English speakers are comfortable with the "strips" of film negatives returned by the corner photo-processor.

On the other hand: the main drag (street) in Las Vegas is also referred to as the "Strip".

To "strip" (verb) means suddenly, or aggressively, or perfunctorily to remove something (such as paint or clothing) from something else (a wall, a body).

So, none of "stripe", "strip" or, for that matter, "attach" (either as nouns or verbs) seem to capture the XNView function now referred to as "Attach images".

"Composite" (as a verb) might work, though the attach function is only a subset of what a user might understand (or expect) as a compositor.

"Tile" might work better.

To "Tile" (verb) is to arrange individual components ("Tiles" - noun) of similar size and shape into regular patterns on a surface. "Tile" (verb) easily implies both vertical, horizontal, and rectangular arrangements.

I vote for "Tile".
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Yes, but a snag---

Post by Clo »

:) Hello John !

- Thank you for the beautiful lesson of English, but there is a snag :

- The images to "join" are not always identical at size (H and¦or W) to be treated¦named as "tiles". For instance, I remake a short comic from its separate images like you can see here.
- Imagine how ugly the result should be whether I would had used the "Automatically resize" option in the dialogue…
- This comic - like many others- has unequal images at width…
- Hence, in my very modest opinion of non-native English speaker, they can't be "tiled" :P

:| The issue needs to be polished up still, I guess…

:mrgreen: Kind regards,
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Post by Dreamer »

maybe Create shouldnt be seen as the beginning of a sentence
Not possible, we already have a new menu item "Create", so we have to find something...

I like "Stripe of images" but... (see above)
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Post by Irving »

I go for stitch, or photostitch.
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Re: Improvement of 'Create strip of images'

Post by Irving »

For years it used to be called Panorama, but for some reason it was changed. Maybe (and that's a very strong maybe) it should go back to being Panorama with join images added, such as

Panorama (join images)


Join images (Panorama)

"Panorama (join images)" is my choice.
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Re: "Attach images..." should be "Create Panorama

Post by budz45 »

About the naming:

Create Strip of Images = 7 syllables
Join Multiple Images = 7 syllables
Join Images = 4 syllables

The lesser the syllables the simpler it sounds when saying :D ..Just a thought. http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.p ... 594#p97640
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