1.97 English Translation / List of new strings

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1.97 English Translation / List of new strings

Post by helmut »

XnView 1.97 beta is available for testing. New strings in XnView 1.97:

Code: Select all

#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Folder                "Folder"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Ratio                 "Ratio"
#define TXT_NviewMenu_AutoDeskew             "Deskew auto."
#define TXT_TemplateMenu_EXIF_Colour_Space   "Colour space"
#define TXT_TemplateMenu_Size_Auto           "Size auto"
#define TXT_NviewMenu_ShowGPS_GeoHack        "Open GPS location in GeoHack"
#define TXT_NviewMenu_Convert                "Convert"
#define TXT_NviewMenu_Edit_GPS               "Edit GPS..."
#define TXT_NviewMenu_XnViewMP               "Discover XnViewMP Project..."

#define TXT_TemplateMenu_Rating_Number       "Rating number"
#define TXT_TemplateMenu_Color_label_Number  "Colour label number"

#define TXT_String_Ini                       "INI used"
#define TXT_Option_BottomUp                  "Bottom up"
#define TXT_Option_Has_ICC_Profile           "Has ICC profile"
#define TXT_Option_Zoom_Step                 "Zoom step"
#define TXT_Option_Title_Bar                 "Title bar"
#define TXT_Option_Lossless_Backup           "For lossless operation, make a backup"

#define TXT_Image_Position                   "Image position"
#define TXT_Scan_Decrease                    "Decrease"
#define TXT_Page_Page                        "Page:"
#define TXT_Page_Of                          "of %d"

#define TXT_EditGPS_Title                    "Edit GPS"
#define TXT_GPS_Decimal                      "Decimal"
#define TXT_GPS_Sexagesimal                  "Sexagesimal"
#define TXT_GPS_Latitude                     "Latitude:"
#define TXT_GPS_Longitude                    "Longitude:"
#define TXT_GPS_Altitude                     "Altitude [m]:"

#define TXT_String_Rotation_Bits_Problem     "The picture will be converted in 8 bits per component\nDo you want to continue?"
#define TXT_String_Err_Bad_Format            "Format of the file <%s> could not be determined\n\nFor display of less common format, the following option is available: \n    Options>General>[x]Display all image file types"

#define TXT_String_Default                    "Default"
#define TXT_String_Step_Fixed                 "Fixed step"
#define TXT_String_Step_Relative              "Relative step"
#define TXT_String_Open_Output_Folder_XnView  "Open output folder in XnView"
#define TXT_String_Open_Output_Folder_Windows "Open output folder in Windows"
#define TXT_String_Slideshow_Recurse_Folder   "Do you want to add this folder recursively?"

#define TXT_String_Batch_Rename              "Batch rename"
#define TXT_String_Email                     "Send email"
#define TXT_String_Set_Comment               "Set comment"
#define TXT_String_Change_Timestamp          "Change timestamp"
#define TXT_String_Show_GPS                  "Show GPS"
#define TXT_String_Show_RecurseList          "Show recursive"
#define TXT_String_Help                      "Help"
#define TXT_String_Show_Infos                "Show infos"

#define TXT_Add_Alpha                        "Add alpha"
#define TXT_Lossless_Rotation                "Lossless rotation"

New string for XnViewShellExt:

Code: Select all

268=Recognize format by extension
269=Use original file date/time for saved files
272=Use embedded thumbnail
276=To open picture, use

165=Original format
167=Rotate +90°
168=Rotate -90°
169=Rotate based on EXIF tag
170=JPEG lossless operation will modify original file(s), and may remove some unused pixels (width and height must be multiple of 8 pixels)!\nDo you want to continue?
171=The picture will be converted in 8 bits per component\nDo you want to continue?
172=This file contains more than one page/image, so it's not possible to rotate it.
173=This file uses a nonwritable format, so it's not possible to rotate it.
174=Associated program
175=Custom program
176=Save clipboard
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Re: 1.97 English Translation / List of new strings

Post by helmut »

Hmm, there's potential for improvement, I think:

- "Do you want to add this folder recursively?" -> "Do you want to add this folder and all its subfolders?"

- "Show GPS" -> "Show GPS data" / "Show GPS position" ?

- "Edit GPS" -> "Edit GPS data"

- "Show recursive" -> "Show recursively"

- "Open output folder in Windows" -> "Open output folder in Explorer" ("in" or rather "with"?)

- "Deskew auto." -> "Automatic De-skew"

- "Show infos" -> "Show info" / "Show information"

- "... nonwritable ..." --> "non-writable"

Other suggestions? Could native speakers please check?
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Re: 1.97 English Translation / List of new strings

Post by Skiff »

Hello, I have one question:

#define TXT_TemplateMenu_Size_Auto "Size auto"

Don't really know what does it means? After some testing I think that this shows file size in automatic unitx (b, B, KB, MB and so on) - is it correct?

One more:
#define TXT_Option_BottomUp "Bottom up" - with this one I have even trouble to find it in beta 1
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Re: 1.97 English Translation / List of new strings

Post by Dreamer »

What about this:

167=Rotate +90° >> Rotate 90° right
168=Rotate -90° >> Rotate 90° left

It would be clearer and more intuitive IMO.


"INI used" it's not very intuitive, what about >> "Options file location (or path)"?

"Convert" should be >> "Convert into" - the same as in Shell Extension (it's in the browser context menu - Convert > JPEG, PNG...)
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Re: 1.97 English Translation / List of new strings

Post by helmut »

Some strings of the ShellExtension can be found in XnView (xnview_xx.h or string_xx.h), already. A similar or close wording should be used.

268=Recognize format by extension --> #define TXT_Option_Recognize_Only_Extension
269=Use original file date/time for saved files --> #define TXT_Option_Keep_Data
272=Use embedded thumbnail --> #define TXT_Use_Embedded_Thumbnail
276=To open picture, use
165=Original format
167=Rotate +90° --> #define TXT_Jpeg_Rotate_90_Degrees, TXT_NviewMenu_Rotate_Right
168=Rotate -90° --> #define TXT_Jpeg_Rotate_270_Degrees, TXT_NviewMenu_Rotate_Left
169=Rotate based on EXIF tag --> #define TXT_Jpeg_Rotate_EXIF, #define TXT_Option_EXIF_Rotate
170=JPEG lossless operation will modify original file(s), and may remove some unused pixels (width and height must be multiple of 8 pixels)!\nDo you want to continue? --> #define TXT_String_Ask_JPEG_Lossless_Rotation
171=The picture will be converted in 8 bits per component\nDo you want to continue? --> #define TXT_String_Rotation_Bits_Problem
172=This file contains more than one page/image, so it's not possible to rotate it.
173=This file uses a nonwritable format, so it's not possible to rotate it.
174=Associated program --> #define TXT_BrowseMenu_Associated_Program
175=Custom program
176=Save clipboard
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Re: 1.97 English Translation / List of new strings

Post by helmut »

Good questions, I'll have to look were the strings are used myself. Perhaps someone can point us in the right direction.

"Bottom up" is used in Options > General > Read/Write > Write > TARGA. But don't ask me what it means...

Skiff wrote:#define TXT_TemplateMenu_Size_Auto "Size auto"
Don't really know what does it means? After some testing I think that this shows file size in automatic unitx (b, B, KB, MB and so on) - is it correct?
I think that's correct. "Size auto" is not very meaningful, what about "Size [Bytes/KB/MB/GB]" instead? The position in the menu should be changed, it should be
1 - Size
2 - Size [KB]
3 - Size [Bytes/KB/MB/GB]

+1 to all your suggestions.

XnView vs. XnView ShellExt
Both XnView and ShellExtension should use the same wording (see my previous post).
In XnView it currently says:
- "Rotate based on EXIF value".
- "Keep date/time for saving"
Either XnView or ShellExt should be modified.
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Re: 1.97 English Translation / List of new strings

Post by helmut »

Currently, in Options > Image View > Image View it says "Zoom step" and values are "Default", "Fixed step", and "Relative step".

I think the English should be changed to just "Default", "Fixed", and "Relative". Consequently, the narrow label "Zoom step" should be wider and the combobox with values more narrow.
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Re: 1.97 English Translation / List of new strings

Post by helmut »

What's the difference between De-Skew and De-Skew auto?
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Re: 1.97 English Translation / List of new strings

Post by Dreamer »

1 - Size
2 - Size [KB]
3 - Size [Bytes/KB/MB/GB]
Auto is used in many other programs, so perhaps it might be used, but together with Bytes/KB/MB/GB.
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Re: 1.97 English Translation / List of new strings

Post by helmut »

Dreamer wrote:
1 - Size
2 - Size [KB]
3 - Size [Bytes/KB/MB/GB]
Auto is used in many other programs, so perhaps it might be used, but together with Bytes/KB/MB/GB.
Hmm, perhaps:

1 - Size
2 - Size with fixed unit (KB)
3 - Size with variable unit (Bytes/KB/...)
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Re: 1.97 English Translation / List of new strings

Post by XnTriq »

helmut wrote:"Bottom up" is used in Options > General > Read/Write > Write > TARGA. But don't ask me what it means...
Suggestions: Bottom-up checkbox option when saving in Targa (.tga) format
Mermaid Diaries ([url=http://www.mermaiddiaries.com/2007/03/day-181-creating-clothes-with-gimp.html]Creating Clothes with GIMP[/url]) wrote:
The Save as TGA window will appear. Make sure you uncheck the “RLE compression” and “Original at bottom left” options. Click on the “OK” button to continue.
  • Image
Adobe (TechNote #312831: [url=http://www.lochnessproductions.com/shows/you_make.html]Numbered Sequence Files in Premiere 4.x Feature Summary[/url]) wrote:NOTE: By default, Premiere 4.2 for Windows writes header information in Targa files so the image's data flows from the top of the image to the bottom. To make Targa files compatible with applications that read the image's data from the bottom upward, you can set a switch in the Premiere Initialization (Prem32.ini) file.
Muska and Lipman (Beginning OpenGL Game Programming: Chapter 6 – [url=http://www.opengl-doc.com/Muska.and.Lipman-Beginning.Ope/pg_0167.htm]Bitmaps and Images with OpenGL[/url]) wrote:Finally, the imageDesc field is a byte whose bits specify the number of attribute bits per pixel and the order in which pixel data is transferred from a file to the screen. For our purposes, we are interested in bits 4 and 5, which tell us how the image data needs to be rendered to the screen. Because we are using OpenGL and glDrawPixels(), we need to make sure the image data is stored in memory “upside-down.” Given the possible values for bits 4 and 5 in Table 6.5, this means that you need to make sure the image origin is located at the bottom left. Some image tools like to save the Targa with the origin at the top left, which means you need to flip the Targa image data vertically to get a proper rendering with glDrawPixels().
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Re: 1.97 English Translation / List of new strings

Post by Skiff »

helmut wrote: Hmm, perhaps:

1 - Size
2 - Size with fixed unit (KB)
3 - Size with variable unit (Bytes/KB/...)
I think the best way for number 3 would be Size (automatic unit) or Size (auto unit)

@XnTriq: Thanks for great explanation for "bottom up" - for polish it would be "render image from bottom to up" (almost literally translated).
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Re: 1.97 English Translation / List of new strings

Post by helmut »

Skiff wrote:
helmut wrote: Hmm, perhaps:

1 - Size
2 - Size with fixed unit (KB)
3 - Size with variable unit (Bytes/KB/...)
I think the best way for number 3 would be Size (automatic unit) or Size (auto unit)

O.k., one more:
1 - Size
2 - Size [KB]
3 - Size [Automatic unit]
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Re: 1.97 English Translation / List of new strings

Post by Dreamer »

Hmm.. I know it's a bit longer, but for me this would be the best.

Size (KB)
Size (Auto - Bytes/KB/MB/GB)

BTW "Size" is not good too, because it's the size in Bytes, also the order should be changed - as I see it's already changed in XnView, so this is my final suggestion...

Size (Auto - Bytes/KB/MB/GB)
Size (Bytes)
Size (KB)

Another suggestion:

"Color label number" >> "Color label - number" or "Color label (number only)"
"Rating number" >> "Rating - number" or "Rating (number only)"

Currently it's not clear it's the short version of rating. Moreover, if both options are used, it's not clear which one is rating, so perhaps, if possible symbols might be used: star for rating and another symbol - circle(?) for colour label, for example: 5* 3●... With the star symbol it would be also clearer the higher number means better rating.
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Re: 1.97 English Translation / List of new strings

Post by Skiff »

Dreamer wrote:Size (Auto - Bytes/KB/MB/GB)
Size (Bytes)
Size (KB)

"Color label number" >> "Color label (number only)"
"Rating number" >>"Rating (number only)"
+1 to this. I think that this is the best proposition