Simple unicode layer for GFLC_* (GflSDK) under Windows

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Simple unicode layer for GFLC_* (GflSDK) under Windows

Post by MaierMan »


All new stuff I write is designed to be unicode 'aware'.
Unluckily GflSDK itself is not.

Thus I wrote a simple layer to work around this problem.

Grab a copy here:
I added a simple Unicode layer. (see gflCUnicodeLayer.cpp/h)
This unicode layer is not designed to convert all char*/string stuff to use wchar_t*/wstring!
Only filenames will be passed as wchar_t*.
The strings are NOT converted. A different approach (*FromHandle()) is used instead.
Modified gflBitmap.cpp/h and gflFileInformation.cpp/h to get this work.

Additionally I implemented convertIntoDDB/DIB and addText.

Furthermore different bugfixes and stuff got included.

The portions of the code that I've written are subject to a BSD-style license.

Published in case somebody will profit from it.
Include .vcproj (.NET 2003/7.10) file as reference :p
But fiddle with your Configurations (Optimizations and such) yourself.
Maybe s.b. is interested in this q'n'd stuff.
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Re: Simple unicode layer for GFLC_* (GflSDK) under Windows

Post by xnview »

MaierMan wrote:Hiho,

All new stuff I write is designed to be unicode 'aware'.
Unluckily GflSDK itself is not.

Thus I wrote a simple layer to work around this problem.

Grab a copy here:
I added a simple Unicode layer. (see gflCUnicodeLayer.cpp/h)
This unicode layer is not designed to convert all char*/string stuff to use wchar_t*/wstring!
Only filenames will be passed as wchar_t*.
The strings are NOT converted. A different approach (*FromHandle()) is used instead.
Modified gflBitmap.cpp/h and gflFileInformation.cpp/h to get this work.

Additionally I implemented convertIntoDDB/DIB and addText.

Furthermore different bugfixes and stuff got included.

The portions of the code that I've written are subject to a BSD-style license.

Published in case somebody will profit from it.
Include .vcproj (.NET 2003/7.10) file as reference :p
But fiddle with your Configurations (Optimizations and such) yourself.
Maybe s.b. is interested in this q'n'd stuff.
Next version will have a gflAddTextW