Bugs in gflC C++ Wrapper (gflCBitmap.cpp)

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Bugs in gflC C++ Wrapper (gflCBitmap.cpp)

Post by MaierMan »

Code looks like this:

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GFL_ERROR	GFLC_BITMAP::create(const GFLC_BITMAP & bitmap)
	return create(bitmap.getType(), bitmap.getBitsPerComponent(), bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight()); 
While it must be:

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GFL_ERROR	GFLC_BITMAP::create(const GFLC_BITMAP & bitmap)
	return create(bitmap.getType(), bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), bitmap.getBitsPerComponent()); 
as of:

Code: Select all

GFL_ERROR					create(GFL_BITMAP_TYPE type, GFL_INT32 width, GFL_INT32 height, GFL_UINT16 bits_per_component=8, GFL_INT32 padding=1, const GFL_COLOR *color=NULL); 
Because of this bug neither the copy c'tor, operator= nor create(bmp) works correctly ;)

Furthermore there are several instances of GetGFLColor (which must be getGFLColor).
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Author of XnView
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Re: Bugs in gflC C++ Wrapper (gflCBitmap.cpp)

Post by xnview »

MaierMan wrote:Code looks like this:

Code: Select all

GFL_ERROR	GFLC_BITMAP::create(const GFLC_BITMAP & bitmap)
	return create(bitmap.getType(), bitmap.getBitsPerComponent(), bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight()); 
While it must be:

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GFL_ERROR	GFLC_BITMAP::create(const GFLC_BITMAP & bitmap)
	return create(bitmap.getType(), bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), bitmap.getBitsPerComponent()); 
as of:

Code: Select all

GFL_ERROR					create(GFL_BITMAP_TYPE type, GFL_INT32 width, GFL_INT32 height, GFL_UINT16 bits_per_component=8, GFL_INT32 padding=1, const GFL_COLOR *color=NULL); 
Because of this bug neither the copy c'tor, operator= nor create(bmp) works correctly ;)

Furthermore there are several instances of GetGFLColor (which must be getGFLColor).
Ok, thanks...