Bad image height on some TIFF files (gflAx)

Discussions on GFL SDK, the graphic library for reading and writing graphic files

Moderators: XnTriq, helmut, xnview


Bad image height on some TIFF files (gflAx)

Post by prasse »

I'm using gflAx component, and I have sometimes problems to find out the correct height of TIFF image, because the "Height" property returns only HALF height. Is it some bug or am I doing something wrong ? Here is my VB source code:

Dim g As GflAx.GflAx
Set g = New GflAx.GflAx
g.LoadBitmap ("c:/web/docshare/admin_comm.tif")
g.Page = 2
Dim x As Integer
x = g.height ' here is returned bad Y size
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Re: Bad image height on some TIFF files (gflAx)

Post by xnview »

prasse wrote:I'm using gflAx component, and I have sometimes problems to find out the correct height of TIFF image, because the "Height" property returns only HALF height. Is it some bug or am I doing something wrong ? Here is my VB source code:

Dim g As GflAx.GflAx
Set g = New GflAx.GflAx
g.LoadBitmap ("c:/web/docshare/admin_comm.tif")
g.Page = 2
Dim x As Integer
x = g.height ' here is returned bad Y size
Could you send me the tiff file?