I just can't get GflAx to work after reinstalling my Windows... Running XP SP2 PRO!
I'm currently using the component on ASP-pages but code that used to work just doesn't work after I reinstalled XP SP2!
Here's my code:
Code: Select all
Dim File
File = Server.MapPath(Global_PathImages & "Items/" & Request.QueryString("Id") & "." & Request.QueryString("Ext"))
If Len(File) > 0 Then
Dim Ctrl, iHeight, iWidth
Set Ctrl = Server.CreateObject("GflAx.GflAx")
With Ctrl
.LoadBitmap File
.SaveFormat = 1 '3 = PNG
.ChangeColorDepth 256
iWidth = 100
iHeight = (iWidth * .Height) / .Width
.Resize iWidth, iHeight
Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"
Response.BinaryWrite .SendBinary
End With
Set Ctrl = Nothing
End If
Btw. I've also installed a new version of Delphi along with alot of DOTNET stuff - can that have anything todo with the GflAx not working?
What have I done wrong.... installed the GflAx.dll in System32 dir and regsvr32'ed it!??? What more should I do ?