Jpeg 2000 and Plugins

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Jpeg 2000 and Plugins

Post by steveq »

Hi Gurus!

I'm having trouble loading Jpeg 2000 images using the library in C++.

From what I can tell it needs the plugin, but I can't find any docs on how to load or use it.

Here is my code:

Code: Select all


	GFLC_LOAD_PARAMS load_option;
	GFLC_BITMAP bitmap;
	GFL_ERROR error;
	GFLC_COLOR color;

	error = bitmap.loadFromFile( "R:\\Picture.j2c", load_option, info );

	if ( !error )
		int width, height;

		width = info.getWidth();
		height = info.getHeight();


The error code is 6 - Unknown Format.

Could someone please point me in the right direction?

Thanks so much,

Steve Q. :-)