1) There must be an error in the CASE "pf1bit" of "bmp.PixelFormat", an B/W TIFF-Image the output is rubbish.
I tried to change
Code: Select all
if ((x mod 8) = 0) then
Mask := Mask1 shr (x mod 8);
if LineIn[x] = 0 then
LineOut[k] := (LineIn[x] xor Mask);
Code: Select all
LineOut[k] := LineIn[x];
2) If I try to show a large B/W-TIFF-Image (9354 by 13244 pixel) I always get an exception in the line in code mentioned above:
Code: Select all
if LineIn[x] = 0 then
I also asume this errors are not TIFF-specific, because this routines are independent of the grafic-format.