I'm using the GFlax object in my ASP code to convert a PDF file into JPG files. I am finding that the JPEg conversions are a lot worse quality than the original file. My code is as follows:
Code: Select all
'Sub to chop up PDF file
sub chopPDF(strPDFLocation, strJPGSaveLocation)
with graphicsCom
.EpsDpi = 72
.page = 1
'Loop through each page in the pdf and save it
for i = 1 to .NumberOfPages
.Page = i
.Saveformat = 1
.SaveJPEGProgressive = true
.SaveJPEGQuality = 100
.saveBitmap(strJPGSaveLocation & "/" & GetFileName(strPDFLocation) & "_Page" & i & ".jpg")
'Detect width and height
lngDetectedWidth = .width
lngDetectedHeight = .height
'Create the thumbnail
.resize THUMB_WIDTH, lngDetectedHeight * (THUMB_WIDTH/lngDetectedWidth)
.saveBitmap(strJPGSaveLocation & "/thumbnails/" & GetFileName(strPDFLocation) & "_Page" & i & ".jpg")
end with
end sub
Thanks for any assistance.