Some usefule (for me) questions

Discussions on GFL SDK, the graphic library for reading and writing graphic files

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Some usefule (for me) questions

Post by Grincheux »

How can I know which options are available when saving a file ?

I explain : If I want to save a JPEG file I have compression and quality options to set, but what about others formats ?

Compresion generally is not used with a BMP file, I would not like to show a compression option for a file format which does not need it ? What would be thinking the user about such software ?

Is there an other up to date help file ?

What are the filters options ?

:twisted: Thanks
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Re: Some usefule (for me) questions

Post by xnview »

Grincheux wrote:How can I know which options are available when saving a file ?

I explain : If I want to save a JPEG file I have compression and quality options to set, but what about others formats ?

Compresion generally is not used with a BMP file, I would not like to show a compression option for a file format which does not need it ? What would be thinking the user about such software ?
Yes, currently it's not easy. You must see in XnView what is used
Is there an other up to date help file ?
What are the filters options ?
Which filter?