I am having a tough time getting the dll file to work in ASP.
I am using windows 98 with Personal Web Server 4.
I did not install xnview on my local server. Instead I copied the GflAx directory to my home server (an old machine).
I registered c:\GflSDK\GflAx\Lib\std\GflAx.dll with windows by typing
regsvr32 c:\GflSDK\GflAx\Lib\std\GflAx.dll
which was successful. I then tried loading http://localserver/gflax/Examples/ASP/example2.asp
and I get the following error message.
GflAx.GflAx.1 error '80004005'
Error to open file
/gflax/Examples/ASP/example2.asp, line 25
I tried restarting the computer, but I get the same error.
Do I need to install gflax on that computer?
I would really appreciate any help.
Code: Select all
' Load a picture, change the color depth. Horizontal flip
' resize his canevas, and display it.
' Use a ASP file as source of a <IMG> tag to display a picture in a HTML page
' The following contenttype are available :
' response.contenttype = "image/jpeg"
' response.contenttype = "image/gif"
' response.contenttype = "image/png"
' response.contenttype = "image/bmp"
' response.contenttype = "image/tiff"
' response.contenttype = "image/xpm"
Dim Path, File
Set ctrl = server.createobject("GflAx.GflAx")
Path = Server.MapPath("/GflAx")
File = Path & "\image.jpg"
const AX_JPEG = 3
const AX_To16Colors = 16
With ctrl
.LoadBitmap File
.ChangeColorDepth AX_To16Colors
.ResizeCanvas .Width +10, .Height +10, RGB(0,0,0)
.Saveformat = AX_JPEG
response.contenttype = "image/jpeg"
response.binarywrite .SendBinary
end with
set ctrl=nothing