I would like to resize an Image using the callback functions.
What values do I have do enter in MODE and FLAGS in the Function gflResize
Here is my code, but the size of the picture isn't changed:
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Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim GflBitmap As GFL_BITMAP
Dim PtrBitmap As Long
Dim GflLoadParams As GFL_LOAD_PARAMS
Dim GflSaveParams As GFL_SAVE_PARAMS
Dim Error As Integer
Dim lngHeigt As Long
Dim lngWidth As Long
Dim lngMethod As Long
gflLibraryInit 'Initialize the library
gflGetDefaultLoadParams GflLoadParams 'Gets default parameters for loading
gflGetDefaultSaveParams GflSaveParams 'Gets default parameters for saving
Error = gflLoadBitmap("C:\Bilder\Rally.bmp", PtrBitmap, GflLoadParams, GflInfo) 'Load bitmap in memory
If Error = GFL_NO_ERROR Then 'Si aucune erreur
extGetGflBitmapFromPtr PtrBitmap, GflBitmap 'Get the picture data
lngHeigt = 691
lngWidth = 1000
lngMethod = 19
Debug.Print gflResize(GflBitmap, PtrBitmap, lngWidth, lngHeigt, lngMethod, 0)
Debug.Print GflBitmap.Width
With GflSaveParams.Callbacks
.Write = extFarProc(AddressOf WRITE_WriteFunction) 'Set the CallBacks
.Tell = extFarProc(AddressOf WRITE_TellFunction)
.Seek = extFarProc(AddressOf WRITE_SeekFunction)
End With
GflSaveParams.FormatIndex = gflGetFormatIndexByName("jpeg") 'Set the writing format
GflSaveParams.Quality = 70
Error = gflSaveBitmapIntoHandle(VarPtr(SData), GflBitmap, GflSaveParams) 'Write the file in memory using the SData strucutre (copy of SAVE_DATA)
If Error = GFL_NO_ERROR Then
extSaveFile "C:\Bilder\Rally.jpg", SData 'If no error, save the picture
Text1.text = "File saved !"
gflMemoryFree SData.Data 'Free SData
End If
gflFreeBitmapData GflBitmap 'Free bitmap
End If
If Error <> GFL_NO_ERROR Then MsgBox "Error : " & extGetStr(gflGetErrorString(Error)) & " (" & Error & ")" 'If no error, display it
gflLibraryExit 'Quit library
End Sub