this is my first post because i use the SDK with autoit and wanted to share this with you
setting the correct color code gave me a hard time to convert into OLE_COLOR
Code: Select all
; light image converter
; using nconvert ACTIVEx now
; to register the active X control do this :
; copy GflAx.dll c:\winnt\system32
; regsvr32.exe GflAx.dll
; author nobbe, june 2007
#include <GUIConstants>
$Form1 = GUICreate("nconvert sample", 633, 454, 193, 115, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPCHILDREN)
Dim $filemenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&File")
Dim $fileitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Open", $filemenu)
Dim $widthTh, $heightTh
$Height1 = 150
$Width1 = 150
$Obj1_ctrl = GUICtrlCreatePic("", 120, 32, $Width1, $Height1)
While 1
$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
Switch $nMsg
Case $fileitem
$file = FileOpenDialog("Choose file...", @ScriptDir, "Picture Files (*.*)")
If @error <1>pic_Open
; just resample the picture 1/4 of its orig size and save with diff qualities
Func resample($file, $Width1, $Height)
; the nconvert GFX api - if this fails you need to register the control first
$imgObject = ObjCreate("GflAx.GflAx")
$imgObject.LoadBitmap ($file);
$widthOrig = $imgObject.Width ()
$heightOrig = $imgObject.Height ()
;MsgBox(0, "", $widthOrig & "x" & $heightOrig)
$widthTh = Int($widthOrig / 4) ; 1/4 of original
$heightTh = Int($heightOrig / 4)
; set text to image
$imgObject.FontName = "Times New Roman"
$imgObject.FontSize = 250;
;OLE_COLOR Encoding
;The OLE_COLOR format is quite straightforward. The best way to think about it is as an eight-bit hexadecimal number. The first two bits are reserved and must always be 0. The second two bits represent the blue value, the next two represent the green value and the last two represent the red values. So for example, RGB(5, 100, 255) would be encoded as:
;000564FF (hex) or 353535 (decimal)
;A quick equation for RGB to OLE_COLOR is:
;var olecolor = red + (green * 256) + (blue * 65536);
; original RGB colors
$red = StringMid(hex($r), 7, 2) ; "000000ff";
$green = StringMid(hex($g), 7, 2) ;
$blue = StringMid(hex($b), 7, 2) ;
$Color = "&H00" & $blue & $green & $red ; force OLE_COLOR INTO - BGR mode..
$imgObject.TextOut ("Test abcdefg", 100, 400, $Color) ; OLE_COLOR
; resize object
$imgObject.Resize ($widthTh, $heightTh)
$imgObject.SaveFormat = 1 ; jpeg
$imgObject.SaveJPEGQuality = 100 ; 100 % quality
$imgObject.SaveBitmap (@ScriptDir & "\100_a.jpg")
$imgObject.SaveJPEGQuality = 70 ; % quality
$imgObject.SaveBitmap (@ScriptDir & "\70_a.jpg")
$imgObject.SaveJPEGQuality = 40 ; % quality
$imgObject.SaveBitmap (@ScriptDir & "\40_a.jpg")
$imgObject.SaveJPEGQuality = 10 ; % quality
$imgObject.SaveBitmap (@ScriptDir & "\10_a.jpg")
EndFunc ;==>resample