
Discussions on GFL SDK, the graphic library for reading and writing graphic files

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Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:40 pm


Post by angst »

hello: i am trying to get this function to work. basically i have thumbnails in a directory that are different widths & heights. i want to place all of them on a 100x100 square white background. Here is my code:

Code: Select all

Dim oImage, oImage2
Set oImage = Server.CreateObject("GflAx.GflAx") 
Set oImage2 = Server.CreateObject("GflAx.GflAx") 
oImage.NewBitmap 100, 100, "&H2FFFFFF"
oImage2.LoadBitmap Server.MapPath( "/[FILENAME].jpg" ) 
numW = oImage2.Width
numH = oImage2.Height
oImage.MergeAddFile Server.MapPath( "/[FILENAME].jpg" ), 100, 0, 0
oImage.SaveBitmap Server.MapPath( "/[TARGETFILENAME].jpg" )
Set oImage = Nothing 
when i run it i get this error:

Code: Select all

GflAx.GflAx.1 error '80004005' 

Bad parameters 

/glfax_test.asp, line 10 
where line 10 is the oImage.Merge line.

any help would be greatly appreciated -- or if there's a better way of doing this.
thx angst
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:10 am

Post by noccy80 »

Having the same problem. What's the solution?