help requested with GflAx.LoadBitmap

Discussions on GFL SDK, the graphic library for reading and writing graphic files

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help requested with GflAx.LoadBitmap

Post by stanleytberry »

Help please with GflAx.LoadBitmap. What am I doing wrong?

Using this URL ... yWidth=100

results in this returned

2 keywords passed.
Key = 'pictureFile' for Item = '../pictures/x-mas 2006/Our Chariot/DSC_0001.JPG'.
Key = 'displayWidth' for Item = '100'.
GflAx object created successfully.
pictureFile = '../pictures/x-mas 2006/Our Chariot/DSC_0001.JPG'.
'Error to open file' loading picture '../pictures/x-mas 2006/Our Chariot/DSC_0001.JPG'

'pictures' is a virtual defined on the web site which has as its source a share defined on another machine

image.asp is

Code: Select all

<%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript%>
<%Option Explicit%>
<%Response.Buffer = True%>
Dim i, key, GflAx, pictureFile, actualHeight, actualWidth, displayHeight, displayWidth, displayPercent
Response.Write Request.QueryString.Count & " keywords passed." & "<br>"
For i = 1 To Request.QueryString.Count
	key = Request.QueryString.Key(i)
	Response.Write "Key = '" & key & "' for Item = '"
	Response.Write Request.QueryString.Item(key) & "'." & "<br>"
On Error Resume Next
Set GflAx = Server.CreateObject("GflAx.GflAx")
If Err <> 0 Then
	Response.Write "'" & Err.Description & "' creating GflAx object." & "<br>"	
	Response.Write "GflAx object created successfully." & "<br>"
	pictureFile = Request.QueryString("pictureFile")
	Response.Write "pictureFile = '" & pictureFile & "'." & "<br>"
	GflAx.LoadBitmap Request.QueryString("pictureFile")
	If Err <> 0 Then
		Response.Write "'" & Err.Description & "' loading picture '"
		Response.Write Request.QueryString("pictureFile") & "'." & "<br>"
		actualHeight = GflAx.height
		Response.Write "Actual picture height = " & actualHeight & "." & "<br>"
		actualWidth = GflAx.width
		Response.Write "Actual picture width = " & actualWidth & "." & "<br>"
		displayWidth = Request.QueryString("displayWidth")
		Response.Write "Display width = " & displayWidth & "." & "<br>"
		displayPercent = displayWidth / actualWidth
		Response.Write "Display percent = " & displayPercent & "." & "<br>"
		displayHeight = Round(actualHeight * displayPercent, 0)
		Response.Write "Display height = " & displayHeight & "." & "<br>"
		GflAx.Resize displayWidth, displayHeight
		If Err <> 0 Then
			Response.Write "'" & Err.Description & "' resizing picture." & "<br>"
			GflAx.SaveFormat = 1	' 1 = JPEG
			If Err <> 0 Then
				Response.Write "'" & Err.Description & "' setting SaveFormat." & "<br>"
				GflAx.SaveJPEGProgressive = TRUE
				If Err <> 0 Then
					Response.Write "'" & Err.Description & "' setting SaveJPEGProgressive." & "<br>"
					GflAx.SaveJPEGQuality = 85
					If Err <> 0 Then
						Response.Write "'" & Err.Description & "' setting SaveJPEGQuality." & 

						'Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"
						'Response.BinaryWrite GflAx.SendBinary
					End If
				End If
			End If
		End If
	End If
	Set GflAx = Nothing
End If
Additionally, I've tried
(no ..) and
(no ../) and additionally I've tried all 3 variations with the filepath enclosed in "s ... all with the same result.

I can display the picture with this snippet today

Code: Select all

		Response.Write "<img align=""center"" "
Response.Write "width=600 "
		Response.Write "alt=""" & Session.Contents("objPicRecordset")("pictureFile") & """ "
		Response.Write "border=0 " & vbCrLf
		Response.Write "src=""" & getPictureURL(Session.Contents("objPicRecordset")("pictureFile")) & """"
		Response.Write ">"
where pictureFile is pictures/x-mas%202006/Our%20Chariot/DSC_0001.JPG (or any other picture in the repository) and the
intent was to replace that source parameter with "src=""" & genURL(
image.asp?pictureFile=Session.Contents("objPicRecordset")("pictureFile")&displayWidth=600) & """" and get rid of the browser width specification.

I have control over the filepath specified in the database ... I just don't understand what it needs to be to allow GflAx locate the file.

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Re: help requested with GflAx.LoadBitmap

Post by xnview »

stanleytberry wrote:Help please with GflAx.LoadBitmap. What am I doing wrong?
Do you have an url to access DSC_0001.JPG?
someting like 2006/Our Chariot/DSC_0001.JPG is good?
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Help please with GflAx.LoadBitmap. What am I doing wrong?

Post by stanleytberry » 2006/Our Chariot/DSC_0001.JPG works.
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Re: Help please with GflAx.LoadBitmap. What am I doing wrong

Post by xnview »

stanleytberry wrote: 2006/Our Chariot/DSC_0001.JPG works.
You have no 'Path = Server.MapPath("/GflAx")' or something similar, perhaps the problem...
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Post by stanleytberry »

I added a Server.MapPath(...) to image.asp

Code: Select all

Dim i, key, GflAx, pictureFile, pictureFilePath, actualHeight, actualWidth, displayHeight, displayWidth, displayPercent
Response.Write Request.QueryString.Count & " keywords passed." & "<br>"
For i = 1 To Request.QueryString.Count
	key = Request.QueryString.Key(i)
	Response.Write "Key = '" & key & "' for Item = '"
	Response.Write Request.QueryString.Item(key) & "'." & "<br>"
On Error Resume Next
Set GflAx = Server.CreateObject("GflAx.GflAx")
If Err <> 0 Then
	Response.Write "'" & Err.Description & "' creating GflAx object." & "<br>"	
	Response.Write "GflAx object created successfully." & "<br>"
	pictureFile = Request.QueryString("pictureFile")
	Response.Write "pictureFile = '" & pictureFile & "'." & "<br>"
	pictureFilePath = Server.MapPath(pictureFile)
	Response.Write "Path to picture file ='" & pictureFilePath & "'." & "<br>"
	GflAx.LoadBitmap pictureFilePath
	If Err <> 0 Then
		Response.Write "'" & Err.Description & "<br>"
		actualHeight = GflAx.height
		Response.Write "Actual picture height = " & actualHeight & "." & "<br>"
		actualWidth = GflAx.width
		Response.Write "Actual picture width = " & actualWidth & "." & "<br>"
		displayWidth = Request.QueryString("displayWidth")
		Response.Write "Display width = " & displayWidth & "." & "<br>"
		displayPercent = displayWidth / actualWidth
		Response.Write "Display percent = " & displayPercent & "." & "<br>"
		displayHeight = Round(actualHeight * displayPercent, 0)
		Response.Write "Display height = " & displayHeight & "." & "<br>"
		GflAx.Resize displayWidth, displayHeight
		If Err <> 0 Then
			Response.Write "'" & Err.Description & "' resizing picture." & "<br>"
			GflAx.SaveFormat = 1	' 1 = JPEG
			If Err <> 0 Then
				Response.Write "'" & Err.Description & "' setting SaveFormat." & "<br>"
				GflAx.SaveJPEGProgressive = TRUE
				If Err <> 0 Then
					Response.Write "'" & Err.Description & "' setting SaveJPEGProgressive." & "<br>"
					GflAx.SaveJPEGQuality = 85
					If Err <0>
and I get this result
  • 2 keywords passed.
    Key = 'pictureFile' for Item = 'pictures/x-mas 2006/Our Chariot/DSC_0001.JPG'.
    Key = 'displayWidth' for Item = '100'.
    GflAx object created successfully.
    pictureFile = 'pictures/x-mas 2006/Our Chariot/DSC_0001.JPG'.
    Path to picture file ='\\domainServer\pictures\x-mas 2006\Our Chariot\DSC_0001.JPG'.
    'Error to open file
Should this work?

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Post by xnview »

And i'm sure that \\domainServer\pictures\x-mas 2006\Our Chariot\DSC_0001.JPG is a good pathname?
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Post by stanleytberry »

The result in my previous append should indicate that it is. That result was copied from the page returned by ... ures/x-mas 2006/Our Chariot/DSC_0001.JPG&displayWidth=100 which used the image.asp as in my previous append.

Further, the \\domainServer\pictures share currently has permissions set to allow access to all, as does the system security on the folder and files that constitute the share.

Could you tell me, does GflAx use the FileSystemObject to read the file?
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Post by stanleytberry » may describe the cause of my problem if GflAx uses the FileSystemObject to access files. I will assume that it does.

The solution appears to be fraught with danger. It may take a few days but I will post the results of my attempt to implement it.
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Post by stanleytberry »

There wasn't as much danger as I originally thought. After following the instructions in the knowledge base article, clearing the history on the test machine, and modifying my image.asp to

Code: Select all

On Error Resume Next
Set GflAx = Server.CreateObject("GflAx.GflAx")
If Err <> 0 Then
	Response.Write "'" & Err.Description & "' creating GflAx object." & "<br>"	
	Response.Write "GflAx object created successfully." & "<br>"
	pictureFile = Request.QueryString("pictureFile")
	Response.Write "pictureFile = '" & pictureFile & "'." & "<br>"
	pictureFilePath = Server.MapPath(pictureFile)
	Response.Write "Path to picture file ='" & pictureFilePath & "'." & "<br>"
'------------------------- see if file can be found by FileSystemObject ------
	Set oFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	If Err <> 0 Then
		Response.Write "'" & Err.Description & "creating FileSystemObject." & "<br>"
		Response.Write "FileSystemObject created." & "<br>"
		If Not oFSO.FileExists(pictureFilePath) Then
			Response.Write "FileSystemObject.FileExists method failed."
			Response.Write "FileSystemObject.FileExists successful." & "<br>"
			GflAx.LoadBitmap pictureFilePath
			If Err <> 0 Then
				Response.Write "'" & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description & "'" & "<br>"
				Response.Write "GflAx.LoadBitmap successful." & "<br>"
				actualHeight = GflAx.height
				Response.Write "Actual picture height = " & actualHeight & "." & "<br>"
				actualWidth = GflAx.width
				Response.Write "Actual picture width = " & actualWidth & "." & "<br>"
				displayWidth = Request.QueryString("displayWidth")
				Response.Write "Display width = " & displayWidth & "." & "<br>"
				displayPercent = displayWidth / actualWidth
				Response.Write "Display percent = " & displayPercent & "." & "<br>"
				displayHeight = Round(actualHeight * displayPercent, 0)
				Response.Write "Display height = " & displayHeight & "." & "<br>"
				GflAx.Resize displayWidth, displayHeight
				If Err <> 0 Then
					Response.Write "'" & Err.Description & "' resizing picture." & "<br>"
					GflAx.SaveFormat = 1	' 1 = JPEG
					If Err <> 0 Then
						Response.Write "'" & Err.Description & "' setting SaveFormat." & "<br>"
						GflAx.SaveJPEGProgressive = TRUE
						If Err <> 0 Then
							Response.Write "'" & Err.Description & "' setting SaveJPEGProgressive." & "<br>"
							GflAx.SaveJPEGQuality = 85
							If Err <0>
I got this result (copied directly from the resulting web page at the client)
  • 2 keywords passed.
    Key = 'pictureFile' for Item = 'pictures/x-mas 2006/Our Chariot/DSC_0001.JPG'.
    Key = 'displayWidth' for Item = '100'.
    GflAx object created successfully.
    pictureFile = 'pictures/x-mas 2006/Our Chariot/DSC_0001.JPG'.
    Path to picture file ='\\domainServer\pictures\x-mas 2006\Our Chariot\DSC_0001.JPG'.
    FileSystemObject created.
    FileSystemObject.FileExists successful.
    GflAx.LoadBitmap successful.
    Actual picture height = 349.
    Actual picture width = 522.
    Display width = 100.
    Display percent = 0.191570881226054.
    Display height = 67.
which satisfies me that it's fixed. Knowledgebase Article 197964
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Post by stanleytberry »

For some reason my image.asp code was truncated in my previous append. If anyone really wants to see it all, please append here and I'll try again.
