[BUG] Access Violation when using gflBrightness

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[BUG] Access Violation when using gflBrightness

Post by iycgtptyarvg »

The following routine to change the brightness of a picture worked with v2.54, but gives me an error with v2.67.

Code: Select all

// This function adjusts the brightness (delta = [-255, 255])
bool CPicture::Adjust_Brightness(int16 i16Delta)
  bool bResult = false;


    // Do we have a valid delta?
    if(i16Delta >= -255 && i16Delta != 0 && i16Delta <= 255)
      GFL_BITMAP *pgflOrg;
      GFL_ERROR   gflError;

      // Convert the DDB to a bitmap
      if((gflError = gflConvertDDBIntoBitmap(m_hBmPic, &pgflOrg)) == GFL_NO_ERROR)
        GFL_BITMAP *pgflNew;

        // Adjust the brightness
        if((gflError = gflBrightness(pgflOrg, &pgflNew, i16Delta)) == GFL_NO_ERROR)
          // Free the current picture
            // Free the picture
            m_hBmPic = NULL;

          // Copy the picture
          if((gflError = gflConvertBitmapIntoDDB(pgflNew, &m_hBmPic)) == GFL_NO_ERROR)
            // Set the size of the picture
            m_szSize.cx = pgflNew->Width;
            m_szSize.cy = pgflNew->Height;

            // We have a valid picture
            bResult = true;

          // Free the resources

        // Free the resources
    else if(!i16Delta)
      bResult = true;
  catch(...) { OnException(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCSIG__, __TIMESTAMP__); }

  return bResult;
The error occurs on the line:

Code: Select all

The error is:

Code: Select all

First-chance exception at 0x7c96df51 (ntdll.dll) in Dms.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xbaadf005.
Is this a newly introduced bug?

If I replace the gflBrightness call with a gflAdjustHLS call, the error doesn't occur. So, it definitely seems to be a bug with the gflBrightness routine.
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Re: [BUG] Access Violation when using gflBrightness

Post by xnview »

iycgtptyarvg wrote:The following routine to change the brightness of a picture worked with v2.54, but gives me an error with v2.67.
Could you send me a PM with your email, i would like to send you a test dll
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Re: [BUG] Access Violation when using gflBrightness

Post by iycgtptyarvg »

xnview wrote:
iycgtptyarvg wrote:The following routine to change the brightness of a picture worked with v2.54, but gives me an error with v2.67.
Could you send me a PM with your email, i would like to send you a test dll
I sent you a PM a couple of days ago, but didn't receive anything. Did you find the problem?
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Author of XnView
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Re: [BUG] Access Violation when using gflBrightness

Post by xnview »

iycgtptyarvg wrote:
xnview wrote:
iycgtptyarvg wrote:The following routine to change the brightness of a picture worked with v2.54, but gives me an error with v2.67.
Could you send me a PM with your email, i would like to send you a test dll
I sent you a PM a couple of days ago, but didn't receive anything. Did you find the problem?
Will be fixed in next release...