gflJpegLosslessTransform doesn't rotate EXIF thumbnail

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gflJpegLosslessTransform doesn't rotate EXIF thumbnail

Post by reggi »

Function gflJpegLosslessTransform don't rotate thumbnail in Exif data.
Is't bug, or correct behavior? It's little odd because XnView read the Thumbnail correct, but my program (and many others) no more.
Maybe needful is rotation of thumbnail in my program, but how (left, right etc.)? Always in Exif Tag 'Orientation' (tag number $0112) is value '1'. How it recognize?

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Re: Bug in gflJpegLosslessTransform? Don't rotate exif thumb

Post by xnview »

reggi wrote:Function gflJpegLosslessTransform don't rotate thumbnail in Exif data.
Is't bug, or correct behavior? It's little odd because XnView read the Thumbnail correct, but my program (and many others) no more.
Maybe needful is rotation of thumbnail in my program, but how (left, right etc.)? Always in Exif Tag 'Orientation' (tag number $0112) is value '1'. How it recognize?
Yes, the thumbnail is not rotated, and gflLoadThumbnail doesn't load the embedded jpeg thumbnail.