Gflax 2.66 problem

Discussions on GFL SDK, the graphic library for reading and writing graphic files

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Gflax 2.66 problem

Post by b.e.wilson »

I installed v2.66 on my server, and found that activating the filters (like gflax.sharpen and .enhancedetails) crash the .dll during execution. All I get is the ASP 0115 error, something about a trappable error in external application; script cannot continue.

When I tried going back to v2.54 the behavior continued.

Any ideas?
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Re: Gflax 2.66 problem

Post by xnview »

b.e.wilson wrote:I installed v2.66 on my server, and found that activating the filters (like gflax.sharpen and .enhancedetails) crash the .dll during execution. All I get is the ASP 0115 error, something about a trappable error in external application; script cannot continue.

When I tried going back to v2.54 the behavior continued.

Any ideas?
On which picture?
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Post by b.e.wilson »

I have many 45 mpixel images that I process for presentation on the web They all behave this way. Here is an example: ... 3390s1.jpg (only the main image gets sharpened, and currently sharpening is disabled).

There is a link for downloading the raw image if you like, on the right-hand side.

I should also say I am cropping then resizing the image first.
Here's the code. I've commented the sharpen line out for now.

Code: Select all

set GflAx = Server.CreateObject("GflAx.GflAx")
GflAx.LoadBitmap sImageFolder&request.querystring("f") 'f=relative path to the file
x = request.querystring("x") 'OriginX, the top left corner of the section of
'the image to be viewed.
y = request.querystring("y")
w = clng(request.querystring("w")) 'WindowWidth, the width of the crop
h = clng(Request.querystring("h")) 'long variable needed for the if-then
dh = request.querystring("dh") 'DisplayHeight
dw = request.querystring("dw")
fw = GflAx.width 'full image width
fh = GflAx.height
m = fw/w 'magnification factor
s=30 'sharpening factor
if m>150 then s=35
if m>300 then s=50
'don't crop if the entire image is requested:
if (w<fw) OR (h<fh) then GflAx.Crop x, y, w, h
GflAx.Resize dw, dh
'GflAx.Sharpen s
c = request.querystring("c") 'name of copyright holder
'c = c &" "&gflax.about
if c<>"" then 
  With GflAx
    .FontSize = 16
    .FontName = "Georgia"
    .FontBold = True
    .FontItalic = FALSE
    .TextOut c, 15, dh-25, cWhite
    .TextOut c, 14, dh-26, RGB(0, 64, 0)
  end With
end if
GflAx.SaveKeepMetadata = True
GflAx.SaveFormat = 1 '1=JPEG, 2=GIF, 3=PNG, 4=BMP, 5=TIFF
GflAx.SaveJPEGProgressive = True
GflAx.SaveJPEGQuality = 85 'this can be raised to 100 for better image quality
'at the expense of bandwidth
Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"
Response.BinaryWrite GflAx.SendBinary
set GflAx = nothing
When the sharpen line is uncommented, here's the error:

Code: Select all

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0115' 

Unexpected error 


A trappable error (C0000005) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue running. 
Second edit:
When I create an image from scratch, I can use the .sharpen and other filters without creating the error.
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Post by b.e.wilson »

Small update, when going back to v2.54 the .sharpen command works okay. I guess I didn't switch back when I thought I did.
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Post by xnview »

b.e.wilson wrote:Small update, when going back to v2.54 the .sharpen command works okay. I guess I didn't switch back when I thought I did.
could you send me a PM with your email?