1.95 B1 - Slide Show - Navigation with mouse buttons

Bugs and Suggestions in XnView Classic which have been resolved

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Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2004 9:08 pm

1.95 B1 - Slide Show - Navigation with mouse buttons

Post by Dreamer »

Navigation with mouse buttons in slide show is disabled, but it's working, always. To reproduce disable it (first option), save and run slide show and press the left mouse button (right button is not working always).

1.95 beta 1, Win Vista.

# Slide Show Sequence
Timer = 60.000000
Loop = 1
FullScreen = 0
PlayMode = 2
WinWidth = 1400
WinHeight = 1050
MouseNav = 0
TitleBar = 0
Fit = 1
StrechVideo = 0
High = 1
CenterWindow = 0
OnTop = 1
Frame = 1
ReadErrors = 0
RandomOrder = 1
ShowText = 0
Text = <File> <Filename> <Size>KB <Width>x<Height> ((<Date> ))((<Make> ))((<Model> ))
BackgroundColor = 0
FontName = "Arial"
FontBold = 0
FontItalic = 0
FontHeight = -19
TextColor = c0c0c0
TextPosition = 0
Effect = 0
EffectMask = 16777215
Posts: 4608
Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2004 9:08 pm

Post by Dreamer »

Fixed in beta 2, thanks!
