All my custom toolbar icons are gone, even when selecting them in the Options dialog and pressing OK!
This affects ALL Basic, View and Browser modes!
Custom Toolbar Icons Don't Appear!
Moderators: XnTriq, helmut, xnview
- XnThusiast
- Posts: 2577
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Custom Toolbar Icons Don't Appear!
AMD Ryzen 3 3300X 3.8Ghz, 16Gb DDR4, RX6600XT with Dell U2520D at 2560x1440@60Hz scaling 125%
Windows 11 Pro x64 23H2, Listary Pro, PowerToys and Wintoys
Windows 11 Pro x64 23H2, Listary Pro, PowerToys and Wintoys
- XnThusiast
- Posts: 4441
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- Location: Bordeaux, France
OK and better here---

• All my toolbars are OK here, and all have extra icons (I kept my old INI).
- Moreover, now the custom sizes (*.ICO > 32², odd dimensions, rectangular) are displayed nicely…

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Re: Custom Toolbar Icons Don't Appear!
When you load the .bar, nothing happens?ckit wrote:All my custom toolbar icons are gone, even when selecting them in the Options dialog and pressing OK!
This affects ALL Basic, View and Browser modes!
- XnThusiast
- Posts: 4441
- Joined: Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:57 am
- Location: Bordeaux, France

ckit wrote
• I guess that Chris means only the extra-icons (*.ICO or coming from ICL and the like) are missing…All my custom toolbar icons are gone…
- Like I show above, that doesn't occur here; I tested even with a 8-BPP ICO “in the case”, but it's displayed OK too…

- Where your custom icons are coming from ? *.ICO ? ICL ? Else ?

Old user ON SELECTIVE STRIKE till further notice •
- XnThusiast
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Same problem here, I think.
Using an editor, I observe that all of my toolbar customizations are still present in the file.
v1.93.6 shows the custom buttons.
v1.94 beta 2 does not. The buttons are present, highlight when moused over, and activate when clicked, but do not show an icon.
The buttons affected are ONLY the ones that reference external applications (where XnView grabs the icon from the application itself, such as PSP).
Reselecting the icons via the toolbar options panel does not make them visible.
Internal commands placed on buttons but using custom (external) icons display properly in 1.94 beta 2.
Hope this helps.
Using an editor, I observe that all of my toolbar customizations are still present in the file.
v1.93.6 shows the custom buttons.
v1.94 beta 2 does not. The buttons are present, highlight when moused over, and activate when clicked, but do not show an icon.
The buttons affected are ONLY the ones that reference external applications (where XnView grabs the icon from the application itself, such as PSP).
Reselecting the icons via the toolbar options panel does not make them visible.
Internal commands placed on buttons but using custom (external) icons display properly in 1.94 beta 2.
Hope this helps.
- XnThusiast
- Posts: 4441
- Joined: Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:57 am
- Location: Bordeaux, France
Extract broken !

• In other words (and in brief) you say that the extract icons functions (from EXES or the like) are broken …
• I performed a test, and now I can confirm

• I noticed too :
- As long as the “ghost” button has no icon, the programme is not started (I assume it's normal ?)
- However, like shown above, the info-text indicates the EXE name…
(aside : that text is not customizable, an annoying lacuna…).
• There is indeed an icon in the EXE I tested, but it's not displayed on the button,
despite it's shown in the configuration dialogue.
- When I set an external *.ICO, all is getting OK !
• BTW : Because I set always my own skins having “exotic” icon sizes, I never use the icons from other programmes or ICL - DLL…

Last edited by Clo on Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Forging ahead when fixing that bug, please could you fix also those reported HERE
and improve the dialogue about missing features ?
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The important thing is not to convince, but to incite to think.
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- XnThusiast
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- XnThusiast
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