1.92 - Lock Fit only as shortkey Ctrl+numpad *

Bugs and Suggestions in XnView Classic which have been resolved

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1.92 - Lock Fit only as shortkey Ctrl+numpad *

Post by Dreamer »

1. It doesn't work at all in Browser fullscreen.

2. It can't be disabled, only enabled - "Lock zoom" shortcut toggles the lock, "Lock fit" might be working the same. It's not a real but though.

XnView 1.92, Windows XP SP2.
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Re: 1.92 - Lock Fit only as shortkey Ctrl+numpad *

Post by xnview »

I can't confirm
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Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2004 9:08 pm

Post by Dreamer »

Strange. Here are steps to reproduce:

Edit: I have tested all in resolution 1680x1050, so please try this resolution, if possible, or any 16:10 AR resolution.


- use option "fit image to window, large only" by default
- open large 3:4 image (4MPX) in browser fullscreen
- press num *
- image is enlarged to whole screen
- press ctrl+num * to lock fit
- press page down (to 4:3 large image), then page up
= image is fit to window/screen again - "lock fit" doesn't work :bug:


- use option "fit image to window, large only" by default
- open large 3:4 image (4MPX) in edit fullscreen
- press num *
- image is enlarged to whole screen
- press ctrl+num * to lock fit
- press page down (to 4:3 large image), then page up
= it works good, "lock zoom" is enabled
- now press ctrl+num * again to disable it
- switch to other image
= it's not disabled, "lock zoom" is still enabled :bug:


I found another bug. :(

- use option "fit image to window, large only" by default
- open large 4:3 image (4MPX) in edit fullscreen
- press num *
- image is enlarged to whole screen and centered
- press ctrl+num * to lock fit
- press page down (to another large 4:3), then page up
= "lock zoom" is enabled, but the image is not centered, the bottom of image is visible! :bug:

= same results if using num 1 instead of num * in the 3rd step

"Lock zoom" works good also in 1680x1050 / 16:10 resolution.
Posts: 4608
Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2004 9:08 pm

Post by Dreamer »

#1 - fixed.
#2 - fixed.
#3 - fixed.

Great work, Pierre! Thanks.

There is just a small issue, I'll start the new topic in the Feedback forum.
